I will get banned again soon, worry not.
I see university campuses haven't changed in the last 15 years.
35-40 years ago it was the same shit. At Concordia back then we had very militant Jewish and Palestinian student groups who were forever trying to disrupt things whenever one side or the other invited a guest speaker to come to campus. One side or the other were forever calling for boycotts and demonstrations. And these, of course, were on top of all the other far left student groups calling for boycotts and demonstrations over their own pet causes. They were ready to go to war over the purchasing of Colombian or Nicaraguan coffee in the cafeteria. I don't even remember what the hell their problem was about that (I didn't drink coffee back then so I didn't give a shit)
I remember my fraternity did a beer bash around the time of the Iran-Contra scandal and we decided to call it the "Iranamock Bash" and printed posters featuring an Aislin cartoon from the Montreal Gazette where Ronald Reagan is saying "Iran amok" while trying to explain himself. One day I was putting up posters and a Middle Eastern student saw the poster and started berating me. "What is this Iran bash? What is this Reagan?" I had to explain to him that it was just a party. I think I also asked him "Do you even want to meet girls, dude?"
Then there was the time I was working at the campus coffee bar and on the morning after the US launched an air strike against Libya I wrote on the big chalkboard behind the bar "Last Night's Score: Reagan 1, Khaddaffi 0" Again, humorless students who's mother tongue was neither English nor French were irate.
But back in those days, you didn't have to do mandatory sensitivity training, you just said "Fuck em if they can't take a joke."