This is a really good time to remind everyone what happened the last time Iran fucked around
- Operation Praying Mantis (1988): A US ship hit an Iranian mine and limped back to port, in retaliation the US sank 2 Iranian warships, 3 Iranian gun boats, and 2 drilling platforms that were used as military bases....all in like 12 hours by just what was on hand in the Persian Gulf. The response was meant to be "proportional" but the Navy doesn't like it when you touch their boats, so shit got out of hand until Reagan himself told the Navy to chill and stop blowing up Iranian ships
- Operation Nimble Archer(1987): An Iranian missile hit a Kuwaiti tanker, injuring one US citizen. The US then blew up 2 decommissioned oil platforms being used by the Iranian Military in the Gulf.
It has been almost 40 years though, so maybe they need to be reminded.