Did Danault get his pizza?

Canadiens : La pizza de la St-Jean de Phillip Danault! (séries LNH)
Phillip Danault a célébré la Fête nationale et la victoire du Canadien en partageant une pointe de pizza avec Cole Caufield.
Did Danault get his pizza?
And he’s only playing because Evans got injured.He is the guy who had hot start in nhl regarding to his offense. Everyone was expecting a real two ways player.
Don't know what happened to his offense.
I was 7 in 93, and although I remember being happy about it, can't say I have many memories. This one would feel like it's mine. It would follow me to my grave. And I'd have my story of old time Habs with Carey Price in net to annoy my kids with. The same way my dad used to talk about Mahovlic and Shutt and how Boom Boom invented the slapshot.I remember the 1970's cups but I was young.
1986 cup with the large number of rookies . Con Smyth winner Roy , Richer, Skrudland, lalor, total of eight started season.
Robinson and Ganiey with the ties to past cup glory. Unexpected and thrilling. My young adult youth
1993 the year of 10 playoff OT victories. Roy again with his second Con Smyth. Unbelievable run
Now our first finals since then. I am no longer young. Retirement is next.
Never would I dream we would go this long without a final. Life is fast.
For younger fans who have never seen a cup win.I sincerely hope we can win one for you to experience it.
For fans near my age or older. I can't believe the wait is over. The passion was fading for me, i forgot the feeling. Sooo many long years for the chance at the ultimate prize.
Back in 93, HMV on St.Catherine’s had hired private security who avg 6’5 armed w semi-automatics and attack dogs. As the crowd approached the store, security w guard dogs took a step fwd, and the crowd immediately moved away...no damage done
In 86, people looted clothing stores and were pushing the racks full of clothes down St.Catherine
I’m doing a Dino, have been stuck in the bathroom of the hotel room watching the game, so wife & kids can sleepReally hope it is a slow day at work tomorrow, because I do not think that I will be able to sleep tonight!
and to think all those CDs they were protecting are worthless now
I'm rewatching the gameReally hope it is a slow day at work tomorrow, because I do not think that I will be able to sleep tonight!
That loss must be painful for Pacioretty.
I feel terrible for him.Especially since he had a high danger scoring chance in OT and could have forced a game 7
I’m doing a Dino, have been stuck in the bathroom of the hotel room watching the game, so wife & kids can sleep
You don't have the Stanley Cup rider in your marriage? My wife and kids are required to sleep at the pool or car if this occurs.I’m doing a Dino, have been stuck in the bathroom of the hotel room watching the game, so wife & kids can sleep
I feel terrible for him.
LOL, he seemed fine when he was shaking Pricer's hand. Him and the rest of the team never enjoyed a sustain push. Neither did the Jets.
Out first round was by far the toughest.