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Would you dangle Sergachev for Duchene?

Depends. If he does a Jones johansen trade, I wouldn't fire him.

Dubois for Chevy?

God no. I was very happy we ended up with Sergachev instead of Dubois at the draft and I'm even happier now. His numbers have dropped dramatically as an 18 year old. I'd stay clear of him unless he comes cheap.
Duchene looked like shit defensively tonight. Really bad on the Laine goal.
Sure, that's awesome but if you saw the low light of the Laine goal and the level of "don't give a shit" by Duchene you'd shake your head too.

Maybe he just wants out of Colorado.
Sure, that's awesome but if you saw the low light of the Laine goal and the level of "don't give a shit" by Duchene you'd shake your head too.

Maybe he just wants out of Colorado.

He's never been particularly strong defensively... hence why coaches have put him at wing instead of centre.

Sound familiar??
Maybe he just wants out of Colorado.


He isn't some rookie fighting for a roster spot and he knows as well as anyone else that the Avs' season was essentially over a long time ago. No point busting your hump and risking injury in garbage time.
Nice Karukter there

Everything changes when they start paying you to play the game. You have to think about your future earning potential and protect those physical assets which enable you to earn your living as a pro athlete. There's a time and place to risk life and limb trying to prevent an opponent from scoring and game 62 of a season in which your team was mathematically eliminated from the playoffs by Xmas isn't that time or place.

Additionally, Duchene is undoubtedly aware of the fact that he's probably getting traded. Just because the Avs hung on to him last week doesn't mean he isn't being dealt sometime between draft day and July 1st.