Spudmeister Supreme
eff you eat yourselfeat the wealthy and UBI is the way
eff you eat yourselfeat the wealthy and UBI is the way
eff you eat yourself
How about putting them in libraries at least
So what’s the deal with Alberta’s grid being so shitty?
Of course, the blue checkmark brigade on Twitter are laying all the blame on the Alberta NDP (who’ve been out of power for five years now and followed 44 straight years of uninterrupted PC rule) for beginning a phase out of coal mining and coal-fired generating plants.
Curious what the actual story is.
I was coming to say this. All I hear from Redneckville, AB is how electric vehicles are the problem and fuck Trudeau for making people buy them and trying to outlaw gas vehicles.my relatives re-posted it and attacked Trudeau for it. Something something electric vehicles.
It's funny because attack ads are aired out here for months saying our power will go out this winter because of Trudeaumy relatives re-posted it and attacked Trudeau for it. Something something electric vehicles.
It's essentially a death tax without the public getting any benefit from it. Private business finds a way to take all the wealth the prior generation has amassed.My parents are currently going through 14k/month at a retirement residence. It’s abhorrent and absurd. The wait list for LTC is 3-5 years. Thankfully they sold their home and have the money to cover this and it will outlast them.