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New Canadian Politics Thread

It's essentially a death tax without the public getting any benefit from it. Private business finds a way to take all the wealth the prior generation has amassed.
The smarter move for use (in hindsight) would have been to hire a live in Au Pair style aid to help with acts of daily living yet promote independence. Would be significantly cheaper
Parents have started talking about turning house into a multi generational house.

It's the future.

5 years ago I would have made the demographics based argument that real estate is pretty much fucked for the next ~15 years from a price standpoint until enough of our current 70+ yr old demographic meets the great beyond and those properties go on the market, en masse, yearly.


But corporations getting involved onto the buy side of the market and soaking up the supply to turn tons of single family homes into rentals is fucking that right up and creating a bullshit type of demand that if the government doesn't outlaw that, will probably keep the market ridiculously high more or less forever as now we'll have oversized rental corps and REIT's invested in keeping the value of their assets up.

The only way out of that without governmental intervention imo is for families to buy larger houses for multiple generations. One of my favourite things about Mexico is that the traditional houses are designed around the idea of 2-3 generations of family living comfortably in it with smaller out building dwelling around a central family garden/court yard.
I both love and genuinely like my parents. Same goes with my brother and his family.

That said, the idea of continuing to live with all of them full-time under one roof for basically my entire adult life in the kind of multi-generational household that’s more common in other parts of the world—that sounds like fucking nightmare fuel to me.
Yeah, that's fair.

The alternative for anyone entering the economy now though is going to be perennial renter status until they can save for 100K down just to have the honour of a $5500 a month mortgage until they're 60 to own a bungalow in a bedroom community 45-90 minutes from the office. Being house poor your entire working life if you don't lose the house the first time you get sick, lose a job, etc, etc.

Or pool family money and make the best of it in a bigger, nicer place and have money to do shit like vacations, live a little, etc.
Those "Tiny Homes" and Prefab homes are great. They should have caught on quicker in N.America

Yeah, only problem with them is where to put them. Land prices in every municipality anywhere close to Toronto makes them crazy expensive too for what they are. Most municipalities that allow them limit it to 2-3 per lot. If you can find a lot in your town/city, you're looking at ~500K for a decent sized one that could fit 3 tiny homes. So on top of the ~150K cost of your tiny home, you're into 150-200K land cost. That's a lot of cake to live in a 350sq ft modular.

The best answer is something that basically doesn't exist in our housing supply. 3-4 bedroom apartments.
So what’s the deal with Alberta’s grid being so shitty?

Of course, the blue checkmark brigade on Twitter are laying all the blame on the Alberta NDP (who’ve been out of power for five years now and followed 44 straight years of uninterrupted PC rule) for beginning a phase out of coal mining and coal-fired generating plants.

Curious what the actual story is.
The actual story is that the fascist Provincial government is manufacturing a crisis to blame on Trudeau and the Feds' green energy plan. Before Xmas they were running TV ads where a family is preparing a turkey dinner when the lights go out and a voice over tells you that because of Trudeau you may have to endure blackouts in cold weather. It's their typical fear mongering to their idiot base.

Same story with healthcare. They starve the public system so that it collapses and then say "The public system is broken. We need to privatize".

It's all a Con grift.
Yeah, only problem with them is where to put them. Land prices in every municipality anywhere close to Toronto makes them crazy expensive too for what they are. Most municipalities that allow them limit it to 2-3 per lot. If you can find a lot in your town/city, you're looking at ~500K for a decent sized one that could fit 3 tiny homes. So on top of the ~150K cost of your tiny home, you're into 150-200K land cost. That's a lot of cake to live in a 350sq ft modular.

The best answer is something that basically doesn't exist in our housing supply. 3-4 bedroom apartments.
Lotsa balls dropped by Harris, eves, mcguinty, Wynne, ford and all the dummy mayors we’ve had to not require builders to include family sized and structured (no bedrooms beside the living room) units during the ridiculous condo boom of the past 25 years.