the Habs run from 75 to 79 always had 3 very good centers.. of the 3 one was different every year in that run.. If you can't find that elite center, i agree get 3 very good ones..
Unless we pick 1 or 2 this year, I just don't see who we can get that is better than PLD without giving up the farm.. If we sign PLD by UFA it shores up down the middle for years to come and we gave up nothing. Part of player development is allowing them to play under a system that maximizes...
I was happy for Gally, he deserved that goal.. Also happy for Suzuki, his game has picked up lately, RHP has been a pleasant surprise, is he a flash in the pan? or the real deal, I am not ready to anoint him a spot.. he can finish the season with the club..
Nobody on here has said that PLD is an elite talent, however he is a very good player which will help..Most of us on here would not give up much to get him, giving up Florida 1st pick is debatable but I would still do it.. signing PLD is not kicking the can down the road....Like GW asked you...
IMO, Suzuki and PLD have not hit their peak.. just by adding PLD our top 6 would be PLD, Suzuki, Dach, Slafs, Cole, Anderson .. we can tweak as the seasons unfold.
If the rumors are true about PLA that he is just waiting for UFA and wants to play for the Habs, signing him as an UFA would be 7 years at $8 +/- so Suzuki contract and PLD would be ending around the same time.. i have no issues with this..
If what is said about PLD is true that he wants to play in Montreal , then we hold the cards.. I sign him for 5 years , at 5 years he isn't taking anyones spot coming up..
It is easy to be an arm chair GM as you do not have to take into account all the other variables as in fans and revenue from all aspects of the business of running a team..
You also have to look at the median of how long GM's last...which by everything thing i have read is 5.5 years so let's say 6.. less in Canada.. so a GM signing a player to 8 years may not be around to the end of that contract.. so why would the GM care if it is 2 or 3 years too long..