After my losses, I began smoking again .... it has been a real help ... even my oncologists have mentioned that it is a better choice than all the morphine they try to feed me lol.
OMG ... it certainly isnt like the pot we use to smoke in school. Kind of embarrassing when you try to brush...
sorry if that description offends anyone .... in my world if we choose to disagree we dont start colouring them with word associations that are spiteful and injurious. My apologies to those people.
look at who he has had to deal with since his election to be the premiere of Quebec? The spineless, pedo that calls himself the PM has given him everything and more lol.
I am sure when another person comes to power to lead this country, Quebec will start making noise to leave confederation. The...
Sure, take Marner away from Matthews in his contract year .... Nylander has to realize that he is the problem on that line.
I would be more prone to split JT from Zoolander. Stick JT with Engvall and Robertson, Matthews and Marner with Bunting, and put Willie on his own line with Janrock and...
Much more knowledge then you will ever imagine ... so take your fucking opinion and stick it up your ass if that offends you then pm me and i will give you my address champ .... come on up 4 a visit.
Interesting the latitude we give some sports but not others ... the worst refs are the NBA by a mile. We complain about the reffing in hockey but omg there is no chance that it is ever as bad as many of the other sports. Also, the skill and physical limits we place on the athletes of each sport...
"For heaven's sake, don't pollute the shallow groundwater upgradient of any well users. "
Excellent comment Choice. This was/is a concern. I have taken many samples to provide base samples as well (my biology is satisfactory), we take a monthly reading from 4 spots within the boundaries and...
Also, with 40 years of plumbing and other tickets, I feel safe. Remember, it isn't like a sewage system that regulates its internal temperature because of the bacteria and growth inside. These containers are left in the sun for at least a year until broken down in a composite pile.
BTW, Anne...
Actually no Not true at all.
Firstly, there isn't an airborne disease that can survive 24 straight days below zero weather.
if you think that any small amount of prescription material would be a none starter, you should see what they're putting in the fields of the food you are eating...