I highly highly highly recommend holding on to most/all of your studs until well in to the year when you're confident you have a good feel for the league scoring and how players are valued.
SPs, and prospects are King as mentioned (add a good 20-30% to what you initially think they might be worth).....
- be wary of early offers for them, as they're likely somewhat low-ball....(this league is full of great guys, but you're liable to be inundated with offers early....and could end up regretting them later, if you don't have a firm grasp on league scoring/values).
- patience is a major virtue in this format.
- .....if you don't think you can contend now, hold your first round picks as they're the best bet to be the cornerstone of your rebuild. Control your picks, control your future.
- lower ever so slightly how you view/value stolen bases, it's the one thing we don't value too highly in this format....pure stolen base guys who are often studs in roto/h2h, are often waiver wire fodder here if they bring little else.
- we dig the long ball, and we dig the strikeout...you should too.
- as the season goes on, players FPPG often becomes their one true value.....but don't mistakenly value it too highly early, leading to selling too low/buying too high. Patience, patience, patience.
- if you don't like an offer, feel free to let the manager know in the comments as to why....and/or what kind of deal you
might be willing to make instead.....90% of deals in this league are often built off counters/comment section communication.
- use that waiver wire & free agent pool religiously....especially for prospects. As valuable as those 1st round picks can be, picking up a prospect in August/September for free, who is then a top 100 prospect when the off-season lists roll around is plenty common.
Best of luck, and always feel free to ask if you're unsure of anything.