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2019-Whenever Misc. Grab Bag Thread

That rots about Anchor. I really liked their Liberty Ale. Have not seen one at Peace St. in years, however.
They put it on their Instagram. I didn’t realize they had been one of the many beer brands under the Pabst conglomerate.

A fun little hockey-themed online daily game, haven't seen it mentioned here yet, and the Canes make an appearance today!

Here's my score today (higher score better, while also lower uniqueness score for difficulty):

Puckdoku Game 20 - 9/9🏆:

35 Uniqueness


There are no layoffs planned because they already did them. They could have saved themselves a lot of premature comments/arguments/general angst if they had simply announced this obvious move when they announced that last round of layoffs.
The Times NewsGuild has filed a grievance, accusing the Times of violating the union contract by “unilaterally removing bargaining unit work and by assigning such work to non-bargaining unit employees, namely the employees of The Athletic, a company owned by the New York Times.” They’re not challenging the dissolution of the sports desk but whether the Times can rely on non-guild employees by outsourcing to itself.
The Times NewsGuild has filed a grievance, accusing the Times of violating the union contract by “unilaterally removing bargaining unit work and by assigning such work to non-bargaining unit employees, namely the employees of The Athletic, a company owned by the New York Times.” They’re not challenging the dissolution of the sports desk but whether the Times can rely on non-guild employees by outsourcing to itself.
TBF, that sounds like a legitimate gripe ... even if it doesn't violate their governing labor agreement.
So I am moving my Disney trip discussions to the misc thread. The trip has been great so far. My daughter used the genie plus and virtual queue to perfection in each park. We have hit every single ride in Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios and the longest line we waited in was 10
Minutes. We even rode avatar and guardians of the galaxy twice. She comes here quite a bit and has mastered it. The avatar ride and guardians are worth the price of admission. Really cool. They know I am a Star Wars nerd and they surprised me with the droid workshop and I built my own R2 unit. Can’t wait to get home to terrorize the dogs and cat for hours 🤣

Everyone hot enough, today?
My wife and I took a couple of floats & went to our secret spot on the Falls Lake, then lounged in the shade in the water for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. In the form of humans, we only saw three people on one boat, two kayakers, and one woman also on a float. Otherwise, it was just us and nature. We watched a pair of Ospreys hunting that flew right over us a few times @ treetop high. They're the best fishermen (fisherbirds?) on the lake. Watched a Louisiana Water Thrush hunting along downed trees on the bank, and saw several Green Darner dragonflies & assorted butterflies doing their thing. A bass about 10"-12" was terrorizing shad near the shaded weed edges. It felt good to let the water bring our core temperatures down where it didn't feel so hot out & to not think about work for a while.

My wife and I took a couple of floats & went to our secret spot on the Falls Lake, then lounged in the shade in the water for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. In the form of humans, we only saw three people on one boat, two kayakers, and one woman also on a float. Otherwise, it was just us and nature. We watched a pair of Ospreys hunting that flew right over us a few times @ treetop high. They're the best fishermen (fisherbirds?) on the lake. Watched a Louisiana Water Thrush hunting along downed trees on the bank, and saw several Green Darner dragonflies & assorted butterflies doing their thing. A bass about 10"-12" was terrorizing shad near the shaded weed edges. It felt good to let the water bring our core temperatures down where it didn't feel so hot out & to not think about work for a while.

I'd ask where, but...
Used to do that floating stuff years ago. Usually with friends. lots of pot, and cold gin!
I'd ask where, but...
Used to do that floating stuff years ago. Usually with friends. lots of pot, and cold gin!
Ice water is all we brought along yesterday.

Back in the day, I'd be right there with you.
A buddy of mine's family had a place on Grassy Creek on Kerr Lake. We used to go up a few days early to get everything ready for when his family got there and to find where the fish were biting. Since it was on the Virginia side, we used to get Coors 5% as a treat. Of course we over indulged. White liquor was always available too. We'd always throw some wet wood on the fire pit to help cover weed smoke. It was much more laid back and much less crowded then. There was a good chance you'd also find somebody else doing something like what you were doing.

What's now called Bond Lake out off High House Road was surrounded by nothing but woods for a long ways back in the 70s. Kids used to skip school and party down out there. Some got busted skinny dipping and it became known as Lake Ass. There was an 8 barrel raft there that folks would lay out on & pole/paddle around. It was pretty awesome.

Another day, another high profile termination at ESPN. NBA analyst Mark Jackson was whacked this morning. So they’ve taken out 2/3 of their top crew, with Jeff Van Gundy getting dropped earlier. They’re being replaced by Doris Burke and Doc Rivers, although those deals aren’t done yet.
ESPN - The World Leader in Firings
Also the world leader in saving 10 dollars to spent 8. Disney's obviously positioning them for a sale at this point, and there's every chance some ridiculous venture capital d-bag can swoop in and ruin multiple sports in a very short period of time. I'm almost rooting for it, actually.