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2019-Whenever Misc. Grab Bag Thread

Considering that a medical marijuana bill will once again die in the general assembly, don‘t hold your breath on any recreational uses.
I could probably obtain medical, (sometimes brain injuries are your friend...most times not...the 3 day migraines that nothing stops are a bitch), though what fun would that be? It grows free, but that would be a stupid thing to go to jail over. I was thinking more in terms of the legislature might want to spark up a big fat one. Maybe they'd find some fun in life for a change? What the hell do I know?

They need to legalize more casinos first apparently. Priorities.

Medical weed I support. Full legalization I'm not a fan of because no matter what the spin is, more kids take to weed in states where its leglalized and openly for sale. You just end up with more kids smoking weed, which is harmful to them. The spin about 'well people are already doing it illegally already is just that', spin. Because the numbers say MORE people use weed when you legalize it.

Now I support more gambling, but I do admit the same is true about that. More people will gamble if you expand the legal means and more people will get into trouble with it than if you left things as they were.

I guess I would say I'm turned off by states that have legalized weed whenever I am there. You smell weed EVERYWHERE in New Jersey, Nevada, Massachusetts. I mean seriously, its just like second hand smoke now. I don't care if you sit at home and smoke weed. But there people are, everywhere it seems, smoking in their cars, smoking where little kids roam, it's crappy to me.
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I want legal pot for my 62 year old self. And kids like I was 45 years ago will find a way.

I'm glad my daughter didn't develop my taste for doing loads of dumb shit!
The thing is that most kids were not looking for a way, then the states legalized it and gave them an easy one. Its screwing a lot more kids up as a result, I'm seeing it first hand with some extended family.
The thing is that most kids were not looking for a way, then the states legalized it and gave them an easy one. Its screwing a lot more kids up as a result, I'm seeing it first hand with some extended family.
Sure would not wish for that. Oddly enough, all the young ones on both sides of my family never developed a taste for it. And substance over use issues are on both sides. My daughter rarely has a taste of wine.
Living in MA I rarely smell it, unless I go to Boston by the waterfront or the Public Garden/Common.

Now, let's talk about how much cigarette smoke I smell when I'm in NC... ;)
I don't really go out to bars other than music venues so I can't speak to that environment, but given that pretty much everywhere you went was a smoking section back in the 70s ... including church ... I barely ever get a 2nd hand hit of cigarette smoke these days.
I barely ever get a 2nd hand hit of cigarette smoke these days.
It's a nostalgic funk for me since I smoked Camels for 20+ years. And not the sissified filtered ones either!

I did, however, always hate when a good friend of mine would light up a fucking Marlboro light when I was still eating.

I've not dreamed of Camels in a while now. Camels and hanging out over the Grand Canyon are my 2 oddball recurring dreams.
I did, however, always hate when a good friend of mine would light up a fucking Marlboro light when I was still eating.
Yeah, those smell like wet cardboard, but what gets me ... especially around food ... is freaking menthols. My mother in law used to eat about 4 bites of dinner and then bust out her single Salem of the day right at the table. Done. Hated it ... couldn't say a word.
Yeah, those smell like wet cardboard, but what gets me ... especially around food ... is freaking menthols. My mother in law used to eat about 4 bites of dinner and then bust out her single Salem of the day right at the table. Done. Hated it ... couldn't say a word.
Those things are disgusting!
And hey, don't get me wrong ... I've chewed my share of wintergreen Beechnut tobacco out in the field, and I'm 100% aware just how disgusting that stuff is. But not around the food!
Lord, I'm sure you remember Reynolds back in the day! Popcorn and cigarette smoke. I contributed to both!
The clouds of cigarette smoke in the lobbies at Dorton between periods of Ice Caps games were so thick, you about had to cut it to walk through it. Places in Asia we sometimes travel to are a close rival for those days...except in Indonesia, they smoke clove cigagettes. Think about how wonderful that smells.

I chewed Red Man gold blend at the farm, fishing, and around the Durham Wildlife Club back in the day. Met a guy who lost half his lower jaw from chew & that stopped the habit right quick.

Think of the players when smoking was allowed in the arenas. We could barely breathe in the third period.
I remember hearing that Andrei Kovalenko used to fire up cigarettes between periods and immediately after games when he played here.

*semi-related trivia: Kovalenko scored the first ever goal for Carolina Hurricanes in the PNC Arena ( called Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena at the time) on October 29, 1999 @ 4:30 of the second period against the New Jersey Devils. The Hurricanes went on to lose to the Devils 4-2.

I remember hearing that Andrei Kovalenko used to fire up cigarettes between periods and immediately after games when he played here.

*semi-related trivia: Kovalenko scored the first ever goal for Carolina Hurricanes in the PNC Arena ( called Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena at the time) on October 29, 1999 @ 4:30 of the second period against the New Jersey Devils. The Hurricanes went on to lose to the Devils 4-2.


Kovalenko definitely did. I earned really good tips from the European guys when they sent me out to the gas station to get cigs for them during the game. Mario Lemieux once tipped me $100 bucks to get a pack of Marlboro lights for him.