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2021 Draft Thread

Why did this woman even leave her house if she didn’t want to incur the possibility of bad things happening to her?
My god you're stupid and/or an asshole.

She's of age. If she chooses to have consensual sex, that is her right. It does not mean that someone has the right to share pictures of her. Full stop.

"Generally speaking, teenage girls who don't blow guys they barely know never have to worry about photos of them blowing guys they barely know winding up on the internet. Actions lead to consequences."

Seriously, I can't believe that even you would make this argument. It's literally the same as "if she wasn't wearing that short skirt she wouldn't have been raped."
I never said she did anything illegal or even immoral because morality doesn't enter into this. Yes, it was her choice to have sex with him or not but for me this isn't a choice about saying yes or no to sex but simply a choice between being smart or being stupid. People who do stupid things and take stupid risks invite bad outcomes onto themselves. Sleeping with complete strangers is one such stupid risk. Sure you can decide to do it and you're perfectly within your rights to do so, but if you enter into such an arrangement oblivious to the risks you are exposing yourself to then you're an idiot and I have no sympathy for you.

This doesn't mean that I would give Mailloux a pass. Making the mistake of hopping into bed with someone you barely know doesn't give the other person any right to do what Mailloux did and once he does then he needs to be punished for it, which he was. But we also shouldn't ignore the fact that her bad decision making was a contributing factor to her misfortune. Moreover she needs this reality check so she doesn't make the same mistake again.

Insofar as what Mailloux did was a crime, it has been dealt with by the authorities and he has been punished according to the law. She should be satisfied with that because that's the limit of what she is owed. If she's also looking for sympathy I invite her to consult the dictionary where she'll find it somewhere between "shit" and "syphilis". And while she's there she can look up the phrase "mea culpa" which, translated from Latin, means "through my fault" because yes, she failed in her responsibility to herself to protect herself. I know that isn't a point of view that will be very popular among the "You should be able to do whatever the fuck you want without regard to consequences because it's not against the law" crowd, but that's what this boils down to: actions leading to consequences. It's true for Mailloux and it's also true for her.

People who make stupid choices and place themselves in situations of unnecessary risk may be entitled to the same protections under the law as everyone else but don't ask me to feel sorry for them or give them a mulligan on being called out for their stupidity.
My god you're stupid and/or an asshole.
Ooh ooh pick me! Pick me!

I would have loved to see Cage drop the Habs. Their whole business model is based on the hockey season.

Lame outrage.
Part of it are males, part of it is the culture in hockey.

I played hockey a good chunk of my life growing up, and for the most part, the biggest douchebags I've met in my life were hockey players.

A lot of them are rich, entitled, pompous, and take shit for granted. And if you're a good hockey player in high school and you get noticed because of it? All of that is amplified.
I'm being insulted by Google translate. Someone have an email address for support?
This whole Mailloux situation is really stupid, yeah sure, the kid did one really really stupid thing, and there is no way to justify this, but he is a fcuking kid, just turned 18 for god sake... he apologized 100 times, what else he needs to do? Hang him?
It is obviously very easy to target a kid than anyone else, NHL have players who beat their wives to dead, who does things 1000 times worst and eventually get the free pass, why? because money talks. Fcuk Bettman....
anyway he wasnt going to be NHL ready soon, so fcuk Bettman, lets get him out for while until these BS stop, Molson obviously was scared to lose the Quebec nation symbol of food: St-Hubert lol