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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Leafs cup win coverage will be all about how they can't afford to keep anyone.
Yeah why should fans care about the sporting world's respect and praise? Sports isn't about the stories and the fame and the celebration. It's serious stuff to be enjoyed in private.
Yeah why should fans care about the sporting world's respect and praise? Sports isn't about the stories and the fame and the celebration. It's serious stuff to be enjoyed in private.
From the same month the Leafs last won a playoff series.

Yeah why should fans care about the sporting world's respect and praise? Sports isn't about the stories and the fame and the celebration. It's serious stuff to be enjoyed in private.
We know what you fap to... The site bots tell all and they're very concerned about @mbow30 browsing history.

Truth is you shouldn't care but alas, the human condition.

One troll writer posting an article for clicks... why would they be controversial eh?

I'm just here to keep you away from the edge zeke. I care. I'm a giver.

Go Leafs go!
Leafs cup win coverage will be all about how they can't afford to keep anyone.

Your Stanley Cup parade discourse will be all about wondering how the press will cover it. What a blast you and your chums will have!!!
I love the ads here now. non stop tiddies. you finally figured out the magic formula habsy
Oh trust me good sir, that was all you.

I've never had one single titty ad. Makes people not want to borrow your phones so good tactic I guess.
The Canes playoff thread is half media coverage talk as well. You're complaining about broadcasters like, right now over there.
You're about the least non-partial person on the board and whenever you feel you've been unjustly attacked (read feel, not actually were) you go into brat mode. I'm sure it works for the guys here.

You guys whine incessantly about the media. Ridiculously so and you trying a false equivalency with a discussion on the other board that does not happen nearly as often as here is, well, par for the course here.

You may continue your disdain of literally everything I post. I've really come to enjoy it.

Stockholm syndrome I suppose
visited a couple of Jets forums the other day to try and get some idea of what is going on in that room. Still seems pretty unclear, but most likely explanation is that Scheifele and Wheeler are self-absorbed doucheclowns.

And Scheifele in particular has a problem with younger players who make as much or more money than him, because of the unpredictable and shocking tendency of salaries to rise over time. Sorry to break that news to you, Mark! He may be hated by most of the team.
visited a couple of Jets forums the other day to try and get some idea of what is going on in that room. Still seems pretty unclear, but most likely explanation is that Scheifele and Wheeler are self-absorbed doucheclowns.

And Scheifele in particular has a problem with younger players who make as much or more money than him, because of the unpredictable and shocking tendency of salaries to rise over time. Sorry to break that news to you, Mark! He may be hated by most of the team.
Habs need a centre!
you keep making the mistake of thinking the leafs get treated the same as way as those teams do by fans and media, when it's not close.

do you realize that fans and media gave the oilers more praise and credit than the leafs, not only prior to this season (after finishing way behind and getting swept last year), but even now entering these playoffs?

it's objectively hilarious to see what happened last night for both teams and both narratives.
i am sure it is because of who i follow and that i do not pay much attention to HNIC
but i do not see that

start unfollowing people on twitter