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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

posters who are the most vocal about fans or media hating on the Leafs and mocking Matthews and Marner for never winning anything ... are first in line hating on the Oilers and mocking McDavid and Draisaitl for never winning anything.

I think it's partly because I've been playing fantasy for a long time, you tend to take a liking to players around the league, which makes you less inclined to hate other teams.

Except the Senators of course, because fuck them.

Thing is though, is how many of us specifically mock/blame McDrai for the Oilers not winning? Kind of feel like this is a straw man argument.

The vast majority of the mockery has been directed towards the fact that the Oilers exclusively hire their hockey ops guys from either the Oilers alumni club or the old boys club. And that those guys consistently fail to build anything resembling a contending hockey club in spite of several first overall picks & currently having two of the best hockey players in the world.

Mixed into that for me is also that:
  • I want the Oilers to continue to fail so that McDavid bolts (preferably here) at the first opportunity.

  • I cheer against every other Canadian team, because I loathe the idea we have some obligation as Canadians to want other Canadian teams to win.

  • Canadian & local media consistently blow Oilers management for building such a great team, and it’s nice to see those idiots get egg on their face.

  • It’s comforting to point and laugh at other teams that are even bigger disappointments than the Leafs.

All that said, I get and take no issue with your position that McDavid’s one of the best players in the world and you’d just like to see more of him in the playoffs.

Leafs play their best playoff game in a long time, so many positive storylines: Dominating possession, M&M showed up huge (with Mitchy ending the slump), Campbell shutout, physical, etc.

And that's the fancy graphic they post.
As someone who wants to watch a fun playoffs I, too, get the desire for wanting Edmonton to go as far as possible. I mean a McDavid vs Matthews finals would be some awesome historic shit. But being a fan is about having passionate emotions. And my passionate emotions win in this case. I like laughing at Edmonton and their media and fanbase. It makes me happy. I cheer for a team who has deservedly been the butt of all jokes for my entire lifetime. It's only natural to want to pass that on to another franchise.
And maybe the people whining about those of us who like to laugh at the media should just get over it themselves!
Laughing at the media > whining about the media. All about the FVV mentality of proving 'em wrong and then laughing maniacally at them.
And not notice what? Talk about how Tampa was hammered by the Leafs last night in blowout fashion?

Maybe I'm old but I remember when you could watch a Leaf game where the narrative wasn't constantly predicting the next collapse. Watching the Edmonton game last night, the tone was totally different, even in the aftermath. So like I said, if you don't notice that, good for you.

Also, keep posting links to CP articles as if that's somehow relevant.
Complaining about media coverage of your team isn't really something that's exclusive to the Leafs anyway but there's a ton of hockey writers based in Toronto and a ton of reasons to write articles that will get clicks.

Guessing that's the motivation there's an article in the Globe and Mail this morning about how the Leafs showed playoff strain last night.