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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Go Oilers. Too bad Quick stoned them at the end.

I want to see the best players in the playoffs.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to hate them because someone who lives out west posted mean tweets about the Leafs.
Go Oilers. Too bad Quick stoned them at the end.

I want to see the best players in the playoffs.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to hate them because someone who lives out west posted mean tweets about the Leafs.
Come on axl. Some of the most fun people have with being a sports fan is cheering against teams out of spite. Look at WeHave! His entire existence is based on it. Hatred and spite is part of being a sports fan! How else can you muster up the emotions to care so deeply about a team succeeding or failing?
Go Oilers. Too bad Quick stoned them at the end.

I want to see the best players in the playoffs.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to hate them because someone who lives out west posted mean tweets about the Leafs.

No one told you to hate them but here are some reasons why you'd want to:

* The dream is for McDavid to get pissed off and look to be a superstar in his hometown.

Was going to post another couple of reasons but who cares. %1 chance of McDavid in a Leafs uni is more than enough to wish I'll will against Oil change.
Thats all any of us should need.

Each time we see that look of tightly restrained rage on his face at the end of season presser brings us one season closer to an Auston-Connor-Mitch powerplay unit
Go Oilers. Too bad Quick stoned them at the end.

I want to see the best players in the playoffs.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to hate them because someone who lives out west posted mean tweets about the Leafs.

you can cheer for them if you want, as long as you know and understand they'd never cheer for you in a million years and spend all their days obsessively hating the Leafs. to me that seems weird but to each his own man.
Smith getting a pretty easy pass by the media post game given how brutal that play was
that is the entire tenure in edmonton

koskinen gets roasted for nothing and smith has to be handled with kid gloves
Come on axl. Some of the most fun people have with being a sports fan is cheering against teams out of spite. Look at WeHave! His entire existence is based on it. Hatred and spite is part of being a sports fan! How else can you muster up the emotions to care so deeply about a team succeeding or failing?
my problem is i hate all the teams

fuck the bruins but also fuck you justin williams
like fuck kucherov and cooper but also fuck this entire board
ovie is scum, fuck the rangers and holik, fuck the panthers for crying about habs fans in their building, fuck sutter, fuck doughty, etc etc