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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Agent should be fired for getting an 8 year deal for a 30 year old? Maybe, but if so for the opposite reason you're arguing.

Agreement probably is, he's worth 6 x $8.5m ($51m) but let's do 8 x $6.5 instead ($52m) to keep the cap hit lower.
He'll be a third pair D in a few years. I think he's one player that will play out his contract.
Scuttlebucks are that Carolina has received offers they like for Martin Necas but just need to tie a ribbon round the old oak tree before sinking their fork into the theoretical banana cream pie. Possibly done at the draft.
Why is this of excitement? Worry that Tre would acquire him?
Some people here were worried and think Markstrom sucks. I don't really agree with that, IMO he's good but not great, and it's probably a worthy gamble for NJ.

If he was available for a cheap trade price, and at $4M, I'd have been okay with it, but didn't want to give up significant assets or pay him $6m per. If giving up good pieces, there are better goalies available, and considering his salary there are cheaper options available who are probably just as good.