Definitely warmer in Edmonton than I thought, so I stand corrected there a bit. But you say summers are as long and hot as TO but don't provide the data. Because they're not as long or as hot. A three+ degree difference on average is huge in the summer and the shoulder season in terms of what you can do and extending your usable outdoor time.
Not that I'm a big fan of Toronto's weather. Being on Lake Ontario, it's cold for longer into the spring/summer. Despite being the smallest great lake surface area wise it's deep as fuck and doesn't warm up like Erie. If you get into southwest Ontario north of Erie temps are another few degrees up on TO every month. Makes a big difference. Even Hamilton is significantly warmer than Toronto.
Of course, then you have to live in a city like Hamilton, London, Windsor or something like that. I cut ties with city living a few years ago so it makes no difference to me.
Anyway the weather sucks everywhere here, although I hear Victoria is pretty nice. My wife is from Perth, of the sunniest major cities on the dead of winter I have no idea why we're still here.