Or piracy. It's always been piracy. Once upon a time the promise of "cut the cord, get Netflix and a subscription to cover your sports" was nice, but they're in the middle of ruining it. Netflix by itself is pushing towards $20 a month, the content is spread across a half dozen subscriptions and the live sports packages don't do anything because of blackouts (yeah, I know I can VPN around it, but I'm not taking extra...illegal....steps to give someone my money if I can just skip the "my money" part and just go straight to the illegal bit).
Fwiw, if there were no blackouts I would happily buy League Pass ($14 a month) and a NHL equivalent (priced similarly). Throw in Prime for more or less free because I'd pay $10 for free shipping by itself, and Netflix at 17-18 and I'd be entirely good and entirely legal. ~50 bucks a month (6 months of the year, half that the rest) is fine.
Fuck it though, back to piracy we go like the good old days. IPTV & private torrent trackers.