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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Bertuzzi is the right kind of mild overpay for Chicago to add to their roster and top 6. I would expect 5 X 5 . He immediately becomes the best W to give Bedard, which is sad but can move into a middle 6 role in a couple seasons
Bedard would prop his numbers up. Not a bad play by his agent actually
He turned down 8x8. You didn't think he'd take a huge discount did you? I could see a mil because of tax savings and lifestyle but not much more.
I thought the $8m was too much. By no means do I expect him to take less than he can get... but it's not good value for the team.
I thought the $8m was too much. By no means do I expect him to take less than he can get... but it's not good value for the team.
He's not expected to be THE guy in Tampa. I think with the cap rising they figure it's a good bet. Brisebois is one of the smarter GMS in the league.
Chicago does need a friend for Mrazek and if the deal is short can pay Stolarz actual money, but shrug, i dunno if they should do that.

I have also heard many Hawks analysts/twitterers linking them to trading for Robertson
The Thompson trade is going to look so much smarter than ny of those guys getting 3-4 x 3-4 especially for a capped out team trying to win.

Jack Campbell at 1/red lobster stock might be the play

Stolarz 74gms, .915sv%, +0.45gsax/60
Brossoit 58gms, .914sv%, +0.41gsax/60
Montembeault 119gms, .900sv%, +0.19gsax/60
Thompson 102gms, .912sv%, +0.09gsax/60


Brossoit 34gms, .927sv%, +0.74gsax/60
Stolarz 46gms, .914sv%, +0.62gsax/60
Montembeault 81gms, .903sv%, +0.44gsax/60
Thompson 83gms, .912sv%, +0.08gsax/60