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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

We have no picks next year. And nothing to show for losing those picks.

Who do we have McCabe? Is he even worth what we gave up?

Fucking fraud loser Dubas
2024 picks traded
2nd - ROR
3rd - Giordano
6th - Boosh

2025 picks traded
1st* - McCabe
2nd - Boosh/Ritchie trade (no seriously)
3rd - Boosh again (no seriously)
4th - ROR

*top 10 protected

2024 picks traded
2nd - ROR
3rd - Giordano
6th - Boosh

2025 picks traded
1st* - McCabe
2nd - Boosh/Ritchie trade (no seriously)
3rd - Boosh again (no seriously)
4th - ROR

*top 10 protected

A full 2-3 years after he’s been fired and we’re still going to be stepping up to the draft table missing 1st & 2nd round picks thanks to Dubas.