Yup. Everything I liked as a kid, I like now. I'm just trying to structure my life in a way where I can just relive my childhood, I think.
We used to play throughout elementary and high school, and then during my U of T days, we had a couple of games. One of them was at night (I think Mondays) at the gym/rec center next to Vaughn High School or whatever it's called. It was us 20 year olds versus this group of 40 year olds at the time, and those games got dirty because they were way bigger than us and took out life's frustrations on us college kids. But fuck was it fun.
Then when I moved to LA I looked for a game, couldn't find one until one day after several years I was randomly driving somewhere and saw a bunch of guys playing so I got out and asked them about it, and that game has moved venues and evolved with many different faces who've come and gone over the years into what it is now.
Actually, two weeks ago these two guys happened to be walking by the outdoor rink we play in and asked if they could play, and so they did and are pretty good. And one of them happens to be, of all people, Taylor Kitsch.