There were moms on Jr.’s team who loved the hitting too. Not my wife, however. He’s tall and lean and tennis is his better sport anyway so it’s all good. I thought I would miss it but none of us really do, including Jr.While I hated seeing him laid out on the ice, he fucked up more players than he ever got fucked up. I remember first year Bantam in a Las Vegas tournament, he fucked a kid up on a Flagstaff team so badly the kid literally crawled to the bench. He hit a guy on a local team so badly he broke the other guy's collarbone.
Best of all he hit a guy from Van Washington
really hard and got a bullshit penalty for boarding. He came out of the box, scored and then saw me between periods, didn't saw gr3eat goal, he said, "did you see how I fucked that guy up". He loved hitting and pound for pound, was as hard a hitter of anyone in the divisions in which he played.
His mom always was worried as were most of the moms but the dads all loved the hitting. At least for mine, he loved it.
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