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Are there any on the streets in Toronto?

Here in LA, there's an increasing number. Feels like you're in a scene from Demolition Man or some other terrible movie with bad futuristic shit.
I don't even hate the design tbh.

but it's never not funny that it's an absolute hunk of junk.
Are there any on the streets in Toronto?

Here in LA, there's an increasing number. Feels like you're in a scene from Demolition Man or some other terrible movie with bad futuristic shit.

I’ve yet to actually see one in person, and I do a lot of driving in and around Toronto.
I’ve yet to actually see one in person, and I do a lot of driving in and around Toronto.
The standard grey is here and on the streets, but I've seen a few other colors, including a hot pink version that sometimes parks in the office building and seems to have some promo shit wrapped onto the doors that I've never bothered to actually read. It's an ugly sonofabitch.
I saw a couple on a visit to California. They’re terrible. I would say worse in person because of how big it is.