An Englishman, a Frenchman, a nun and a young woman are sitting in a train compartment
The train drives into a tunnel, the lights in the compartment have gone out, it is pitch black. Suddenly a loud SMACK! is heard, and when the train is back out of the tunnel, the Frenchman is in pain, holding his red cheek.
The Nun thinks: "He must have groped the young woman and she slapped him - very good!"
The young woman thinks: “Haha! He must have tried to grope me, but in the dark touched the nun and she smacked him - very good!"
The Frenchman thinks: "What a crap! The Englishman must have tried to grope the young woman, she thought it was me, and smacked me.”
The Englishman thinks: "Haha, in the next tunnel, I'll hit him again!"