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This might be dumb but I think it's the first time I ever laughed at a blonde joke.

Blonde goes into an Ice Cream shop.

"I would like a chocolate cone please" she says.

The server says, "Sorry Mam, we are out of chocolate."

"OK" she says, "Then I will take a chocolate sundae."

"NO" the server says, "no chocolate available."

"Oh" she says, "Then how about a chocolate milkshake?"

Frustrated, the server points up at the menu board and says, "See Vanilla written up there, can you see the word van in it?"

Puzzled, the blonde says "Yes."

The server points at strawberry and says, can you see berry in that word?"

"Yes" she says.

Pointing at chocolate the server says, "Can you see the word fuck in that?"

With a strange look on her face the blonde says, "There's no fuck in chocolate!"

"That's what I have been trying to tell you!" hollers the server.
Fifth Estate dropped this episode tonight on YT making the claim that Buffy Ste Marie was actually born in Massachusetts to white parents, with zero aboriginal heritage. Pretty wild story.

I read about this on the news this morning. If true, and it sounds like it is, she pulled off a pretty good con. I don't know if con is the right word or not but you know what I mean.

She sure looked the part though.
I read an article written by her and she certainly came across as credible. She did say though that she knows nothing about her birth parents

Therein lies the rub…..her white Italian birth parents are the ones she’s been claiming are her “adoptive” parents.

Honestly I’m kinda more impressed than anything….potentially one of the all time great con jobs, and it seems like she used it primarily for good & advancing indigenous culture, etc.
Honestly I’m kinda more impressed than anything….potentially one of the all time great con jobs, and it seems like she used it primarily for good & advancing indigenous culture, etc.
therein lies the rub. Watching the clip I was wondering if it's that big of a deal, considering she spent so many years promoting indigenous culture. But there is the fact that she likely got more famous & rich more quickly because of this, also taking the spotlight from those who are actually indigenous.

And what she did to her brother was sick.
Therein lies the rub…..her white Italian birth parents are the ones she’s been claiming are her “adoptive” parents.

Honestly I’m kinda more impressed than anything….potentially one of the all time great con jobs, and it seems like she used it primarily for good & advancing indigenous culture, etc.
Grey Owl has entered the chat.
I read an article written by her and she certainly came across as credible. She did say though that she knows nothing about her birth parents

A claim which is thoroughly debunked in the Fifth Estate piece. She knows, and has always known, exactly who she is and, more importantly, who and what she is not. She has been perpetuating this fraud for the same reason anyone does: the money. Because if it wasn't about money, she wouldn't have hired lawyers to threaten her brother and, years later, the CBC.

She says that she finds the allegations "hurtful" but just because she's hurt doesn't mean that the allegations aren't true. And she can play the "my truth" card all she wants. It doesn't change the objective reality of her birth certificate. She's not indigenous and she never was. She's "indigenous" in the same way that Al Jolson was black.
This one took me by surprise. Mostly it’s just sad.

Something mentally wrong with people who go to these lengths, I think.
Seems like a pretty similar story to Joseph Boyden. Both him and Ste. Marie could've just been honest about their origins, and honestly presented their artistic output as being inspired by indigenous art & culture, rather than being authentically indigenous.

But I guess they made the calculation that it'd be tougher to make as much money that way, so fuck it. Well, reap what you sow.
I don’t think it started as an economic thing for her. I think she wrapped her identity in it and got stuck. But it became an economic engine for her later in life and hubris got the best of her.

Her talent is undeniable and royalties from up where we belong have kept her well fed, I’m sure.
Seems like a pretty similar story to Joseph Boyden. Both him and Ste. Marie could've just been honest about their origins, and honestly presented their artistic output as being inspired by indigenous art & culture, rather than being authentically indigenous.

But I guess they made the calculation that it'd be tougher to make as much money that way, so fuck it. Well, reap what you sow.

yeah particularly given the folk scene at the time, it seems like a pretty calculated move to set herself apart while trying to break into the scene. As up until that point she had never claimed any sort of aboriginal heritage…..she also window dressed a number of different tribes she came from, until learning of the Cree in Canada, and “the big scoop” leaning into that as a rationale for why no information could be discovered about her true parentage, no birth certificate, etc.

If it wasn’t done for financial reasons, (as has seemingly been the case for the majority of other pretendians like Boyden) it was a real stroke of luck she began co-opting it as a part of her image at the exact moment it was most beneficial to her career.

…..even taking into account that she “might” have taken the place of another aboriginal artist (extremely unlikely imo, given her talents as mbow said) or how vile her actions were to her brother (although we don’t know for certain that he didn’t molest her, but it’s unfortunate the first time it’s ever brought up is after he tries to expose the reality of her up bringing, casting real doubt on the claim)…….I still think it’s a shame this all came to light, as it probably hurts aboriginals all across North American more than it helps any of them to learn of this. I’d have buried this story personally, just because she did use that influence so positively & seemingly quite earnestly.
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This is the biggest Pretendians scandal since the discovery that Chief Jay Strongbow, was actually Italian American “Joe Scarpa”

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I wonder how much she sweat bullets if/when she first read that Strongbow was “exposed“ for not being a real native American….or when Boyden was exposed more recently.

that’s a heavy ass secret to carry around knowing how easily it could potentially be exposed..