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Core 4 No More: The Motherfucking Off-Season Thread

I like the proposal. And if Vancouver were to trade Pettersson yes they'd be dumb but..

1. There were times during the negotiation where it looked like trading him was a possibility. He then followed up the signing of his contract playing some of the worst hockey he has played in a couple years.

2. If they were dumb enough to actually trade him, they will never be offered a better return. 9 times out of 10 you're gonna lose the trade. This one could at least be a win-win.
I hope the trade happens....for your sake. It would provide a great distraction from your neighbourhood marital drama.
Any trade proposed is highly against the odds! I'm just challenging the notion that it's a preposterous idea!
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Its a good trade on paper because you get the C. But it doesn't solve the real problem of having all your money committed to 4 forwards and having a horrible D. So I'm not sure how far it actually gets you. Looks good though.

trading Mitch for that reason when Tavares only has one year left on his deal and the cap is finally going up for the first time since we sigfned those contracts is pretty dumb tho.

also there are some questions about Pettersson's C-ishness.
I think dumping marner in a bad trade is worse than wasting this year, especially since we already wasted last year.

if you trade marner then suddenly one year from now we only have 2 elite forwards making big money and we better make up for that with legit elite talent somewhere else because that's nowhere near enough.

and Tavares should be very dumpable.
I'm clearly not advocating dumping Marner in a bad trade. I just don't see the point in trading him in a trade for the sake of a trade. That doesn't make us better either.

Trading Marner only really makes sense for a high end D IMO.