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Well-known member
Has anybody else tried Fasting? I started Jan 1, and only eating in a 4-hour window every day. Most days just one meal. I thought it would be difficult but I rarely feel hungry. On weekends I've been doing a 48 hr fast. I feel great, and the weight is just falling off."thud". See? 🥑🍳🥦🥬🫑🍠
I find the 4hr eating window impractical but I have no problem fasting from 7pm to 11am… though I’m not sure it’s made much of a difference health wise
I find the 4hr eating window impractical but I have no problem fasting from 7pm to 11am… though I’m not sure it’s made much of a difference health wise
I should have organized a before and after bloodwork to see what the results would have been. I do "feel" better, though. :)
8:30-12:30 is generally not a challenge for me and it feels "good" to be genuinely hungry every day. I've definitely trimmed up since I've started.
I should have organized a before and after bloodwork to see what the results would have been. I do "feel" better, though. :)

my bloodwork did not change much before/after IM

my bloodwork changed drastically when my alcohol consumption plummeted when covid first hit and I was stuck indoors (lots of empty calories eliminated)
my bloodwork did not change much before/after IM

my bloodwork changed drastically when my alcohol consumption plummeted when covid first hit I was stuck indoors (lots of empty calories eliminated)
No real evidence to suggest IM is anything more than a technique that works for some people to limit calories. It is no secret sauce for optimal health beyond being a tool for calorie restriction. On that note, that alone makes it useful for many folks.
I fast every day between bedtime and breakfast.

Except of course, during Ramadan. Then I take advantage of the sale prices on Halal food products and really indulge.
No real evidence to suggest IM is anything more than a technique that works for some people to limit calories. It is no secret sauce for optimal health beyond being a tool for calorie restriction. On that note, that alone makes it useful for many folks.
Are you sure about that Dr? I know it's just the internet, but I read a ton of articles and watched a lot of videos about how it can repair cell damage and clean other toxins from the body.
how it can repair cell damage and clean other toxins from the body.

this is why I started it (also not that difficult for me because I've never been much of a breakfast guy)

but those claims of cell repair and toxin flush are almost impossible to prove -- they certainly won't show up in any standard blood test
Are you sure about that Dr? I know it's just the internet, but I read a ton of articles and watched a lot of videos about how it can repair cell damage and clean other toxins from the body.
Any time you hear claims like this, unless they're talking about your liver, alarm bells should ring. They're describing the human liver. No magic product or process does this better than the liver.

There's a whole bunch of studies out there that are misinterpreted. I think @axlsalinger knows more about this stuff. That Layne Norton fella dissects the research better than most.
but if the liver cleanses everything... WHO WILL CLEANSE THE LIVER!!!!????
my bloodwork did not change much before/after IM

my bloodwork changed drastically when my alcohol consumption plummeted when covid first hit and I was stuck indoors (lots of empty calories eliminated)

I wish I could say the same but mine went up. Got into online dart tournaments and drank way more than I should have
yeah covid really killed my alcohol consumption.

and I dunno if I could succeed with the fasting. I make massive breakfasts, and often have pretty late dinners (eg. I go right to the climbing gym from work, then get home and eat).

I also have a stupid metabolism so I'm frequently hungry
I got pretty big when my hips were shot, got one replaced and I've dropped about 45 pounds...I did it by cutting out my worst indulgences and doing a kind of fasting....I'm not strict, but I might have a banana for breakfast, no lunch, then dinner, while keeping a rough calorie count.

What I have noticed is while exercise is good for you, it's the eating right that does the trick,
yeah covid really killed my alcohol consumption.

and I dunno if I could succeed with the fasting. I make massive breakfasts, and often have pretty late dinners (eg. I go right to the climbing gym from work, then get home and eat).

I also have a stupid metabolism so I'm frequently hungry

my metabolism is pretty high but my am appetite is slayed by black coffee (at least till 11)
Has anybody else tried Fasting? I started Jan 1, and only eating in a 4-hour window every day. Most days just one meal. I thought it would be difficult but I rarely feel hungry. On weekends I've been doing a 48 hr fast. I feel great, and the weight is just falling off."thud". See? 🥑🍳🥦🥬🫑🍠
I've been intermittent fasting for years. It works once you get used to it.