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Four Nations

Ask yourself this question: Who are the prophets in the NT? Who are those receiving the word of God and writing it down? The only one that remotely comes to my mind is John on the Isle of Patmos and the book of Revelation. It is a truism that anything "Old" in the NT is true and anything "New" in the NT cannot be true.

Well, no one may know the actual hour or time...but we can know the season and that season seems to be upon us.

Certainly there are many pluses that science has brought for humankind. But is the heart of man really any better? There is still famine (not a lot thankfully). All it would take is WW III to bring us all back to those days of yore...how likely is a WW III in our enlightened era? Lets not forget the likes of N Korea or what the Chinese are doing to the Uegers (sp?) and soon to make a move on Taiwan. Still plenty of evil in the world to go around.

No, I accuse myself of being rational - because (as I said already) it is infinitely more sensical to believe that a higher power (who has existed for all eternity) created all this than to convince yourself that it just materialized from nothing...thats crazy.

And yet they haven't been able to create even a simple form of life through experimentation. To say anything in nature is simple is disingenuous. Clearly, the more we learn the less we know.

If you do not believe in God then you are probably an evolutionist? If so, why evolve into a male and female? Why not just remain one gender and self procreate - simpler and more likely to succeed? Is not the ability to pro create a miracle unto itself? The whole interaction between a man and a women is a probably Gods biggest gift to us. If evolution was a thing then we'd all have eyes in the back of our heads with phenomenal night vision. :)

Wow, just WOW. True I am taking a piss on our Shatkins-Truthers/ Make Blue Jays Great Again crew today (90% of people on this board) but holy hell.

Ok here are some questions and some points to consider:

  • How old is the Earth?
  • How old is the Universe?
  • How many people wrote the Tanakh? All at the same time or at different times?
  • Was the G-D of the Tanakh always loving? That G-D certainly killed a lot of people back then, one can almost make an argument that G-D was pretty vengeful to the Egyptians.
  • When did us Earthlings start to understand/create a One G-D approach?
  • Why/How did this theology come about?
  • What happened to Archegosaurus and did humans live side-by-side with them?
  • Can you give me a Steelman argument for Evolution?
  • G-D did create unisex creatures, I think Earth Worms are unisex.
  • So let me give you a quick layman's view on how I, Pwner, came to be. My parents wanted a kid so they had sex, which means that my Dad gave his DNA in the form of Sperm to my Mom in her birthing canal so that it could make its way to her egg (DNA) so that that egg could get fertilized and start the process of expanding/multiplying/cloning itself (the cells). Now this process is not always perfect. There are sometimes errors in the "cloning" process. For whatever reason, they don't make perfect copies. We call these not-perfect "copies" mutations (or just getting old). Now these mutations are mostly bad news: cleft feet, lips, intellectual difficulties, lungs growing outside the body. But now and then (maybe like 1% overall) these "mutations" can be helpful: a bigger brain, better eyesight, opposable thumbs that make succeeding in your current location easier. Those creatures with these helpful "mutations" have a higher probability of living and passing on their genetics to the next generation. We call this "Natural Selection".
  • Because there is more variation of that species/offspring, it makes it easier to survive multiple different scenarios that species might encounter. Like rain that lasts 100 years or snow that now falls when it never did before. More variation = a better chance of survival.
  • Jewish IQ is a very good example of Natural Selection/Evolution in practice. Jews historically keep/were forced into small communities and didn't intend to interbreed much with the outside world (they did, and got raped a lot in the multiple pogroms and crusades throughout the years, that is why Palestinians always ask for DNA tests for Israelis because they think people "chose" being Jewish), Jewish culture prized being "learned", high status was afforded to people that could read that Tanakh and discuss/debate it with others. Rabbi means Teacher. Rabbis were the center of their society and were given High Status so they became more desirable. Hense, Jews having high IQ.
  • Did you ever think that it is a much more interesting and unlikely story of how we came to be than just an all-knowing G-D hocus-pocusing us into existence? It took 13. something (they don't know and that is a problem in the scientific community) billion years for me to write this out to you. Think of all the steps that had to go "right" or go very "wrong" for other species for this to happen. That is a lot more magical than a G-D poofing us into reality.
Also, watch this video. It is great and done with humility.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvK_Onjzj9I
One day, late morning, I was looking out over the lake and there, clear as day was an actual flying saucer about a km away. No mistaking it. Weather was perfect, clear skies and good contrast. My take on this experience was that this was a test to see if I would assume that these are extraterrestrials (aliens) and thus put God and the whole Bible story into question.

All I ever needed was to look up at the night sky outside a light polluted area and knew God was there. Even the human body screams intelligent design. God is all around, HE is not hidden. Some just will not see it for whatever reason.

As an aside, and please forgive me for this indulgence. I don't lie (at least knowingly) and do not exaggerate. I've had a few interesting experiences in life. One of them was when I was about 15 yrs old and living up north (Island Lake Manitoba). My eyesight was better than 20/20 at that time (ended up as a pilot for 35 yrs) One day, late morning, I was looking out over the lake and there, clear as day was an actual flying saucer about a km away. No mistaking it. Weather was perfect, clear skies and good contrast. My take on this experience was that this was a test to see if I would assume that these are extraterrestrials (aliens) and thus put God and the whole Bible story into question. The only one I've ever seen. Not completely sure what to make of it but never made me doubt God. FWIW
Oh shit I forgot another question:

  • How fast does light travel? Does it have different speeds in the Universe or is it the same speed everywhere?
Well, for starters how about Hollywood/Finacial sectors/free enterprise/medical fields/Lawyers...and on and on. I'm not going to dig through material. Please just do a quick search yourself. My stat on Nobel prizes that I posted is a good indicator. But again, this is based on the size of their population compared to the rest of the world.
Just send us the YouTube link
as far as i can see, the plan is something like: "I will create this massive huge near limitless universe all for this one tiny species on one little rock in one tiny corner of the cosmos and will give them a few thousand years to prove that they can blindly believe in me and act against every natural urge i built into them, despite never showing my face to them and despite subjecting them to a lifetime of pain, suffering, and doubt.......and for the billions who don't blindly believe in me I will condemn them to an eternity of far more excruciating pain and suffering, and for the select few who do blindly believe in me they are rewarded with an eternity of singing my praises."

Sound about right?
God is good.
Oh did your jewgod give us dumb unspecial races a backdoor into jewheaven?


Do we get to be like your squires there or something?
Your more than welcome to join. You will be welcome with open arms and little horns. Hope you don't mind drinking some Christian blood though.