MBow30 alt account
Nice beat at 168.4, curious to see proformas. Will likely be in the call and based on my math it's probably just a hair under 180m. Impressive. Looks like the 15-16% qoq growth in Florida was accurate in the end. The only x-factor when predicting these is whether prices decreased or not. They did in Q3, doesn't look like they did in Q4 assuming PA showed no or minimal growth (which I have reason to believe).Crunched the nummies. On the conservative side trulieve did 12% on Florida. This is assuming similar price decreases as Q3 compared to Q2 which were abnormally steep; there were shortages this quarter in Florida so there's a chance prices didn't decrease but if prices stayed the same we're looking at 15-16% growth just in florida. ~12% gets them to a 152m floor (which is actually 11.5% growth but let's be cautious). And then last quarter based on their proforma revenues the pa acquisition did around 18.6m. They'll have just under a half quarter of those. Let's assume minimal growth and another 9m. And we'll say Connecticut and California add around 500k; if it's more than that I doubt it's much more. I'll say a 161.5m dollar floor for around 18.5% qoq growth. Proforma at 170ish.
Of course this is just the floor. Analysts have them at 161.1 which I feel will be low. We'll say 161-170 with proforma at 170-180. Think PA expansion comes online in Q1 2021 so I'm not expecting much growth there though I could be wrong.
Operational costs naturally went up so their margins decreased a good amount but that's expected with their acquisition closing mid-quarter.
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