What pain? Those are hovering right around where they were. They're off the lows, but the highs were literally for like a week so it's tough to mourn a drop from there.
Overall market stabilizing could make this a really fucking nice week for MSOS. Pretty happy with my pivot to Ayr. I minimized a lot of the damage I otherwise would have had these last two days. Took a hit on Thumb but I'm quietly expecting a surprisingly great quarter on them. Could get interesting.
Thumb reporting today and estimates feel low to me. 187m in revenues for 5.5% qoq growth. I mean.. The analysts were much improved in q4 but this one just feels off. Not expecting much till q2 but hopefully they grab a beat.
I'm just glad Thumb didn't miss. The market would feast on any sign of weakness from them or other MSOs. Trulieve reports tomorrow morning and I think they have a decent shot of surpassing Thumb in revvies and obviously they'd be way ahead of we look at pro-forma on Harvest's earnings!