Never. Haven't been since January and even that wasn't really knee deep (and I sold most well before the top but it is what it is). Covid dump was the last time I was basically all in. Left a lot on the table by not being all in all year but that's how I manage risk. I use the cash for day trades or swing trades but I trim aggressively when I do that stuff. The cash hasn't been used for long-term positions in a long time.Aren't you knee deep in weed holdings?
You think it could really fall substantially more than this?
I want to lock this thread now. There is NO DISCUSSION ABOUT BLOCKCHAIN, just depressing weed shit!
Ideally it never gets into that point. I don't want to go balls deep because as was the case in the covid dump, it usually means I'm severely under water and I am running low on money for my incremental buys on the way down. I don't like being in a position where I'm powerless and out of ammo.So all that hoarding for the moment to go deep on pot stocks, and that moment isn't now?
How far do they have to fall before you say this is nuts and dive back in?
Also, why the fuck did I put money in this shit?