wait, what? google is telling me that quantum computing is actually a THREAT to blockchain?
**** me this shit is hard.
True quantum computing basically breaks everything in modern society. Everything we know about security online is totally destroyed if they actually get a real quantum computer online. But that's a long way off, if ever, given that the biggest quantum computer right is like 5 qubits.
What's your profit to power ratio with your rig. Some of the setups I see require an insane amount of power and cooling costs
would quantum computing take care of the logistics of scaling up?
ah so quantum computing basically renders current blockchain security useless.
but if they can solve that, does quantum computing solve the computational power problem?
I had some similar basic questions and found this Bitcoin video useful:
asked my nerd brothers about it
they say it is shit
"it is fairly old. most nerds dont touch it now because it is too difficult to mind with regular hardware"
I assume he's talking about bitcoin?
I would love it if someone (Mindz?) could basically draw up an explanation for a 5 year old on what the hell bitcoin is, how it gets created, what the **** "mining" it means. Like Crypto 101.
I've read a few articles here and there on it and got frustrated every time because it wasn't clear. The authors skip steps or assume the reader knows something, and then it breaks down.
nope - most likely talking about it from a programmer point of view
the other brother called blockchain the buzzword of the year and say it is laughed at