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Hey Nerds: Blockchain

GME back to 260 after hours

AH and PreMArket seems to lead to upswings....liquidity is lower, so the people are more desperate
If we get a grand finale and infinity squeeze tomorrow to new heights this is a movie I am going to watch. I don't care if it's not visual. I'm in despite the middle being a bit dragged on.

To LOF: FYI I don't actually mean a squeeze that takes the share price to literal infinity.
If we get a grand finale and infinity squeeze tomorrow to new heights this is a movie I am going to watch. I don't care if it's not visual. I'm in despite the middle being a bit dragged on.

To LOF: FYI I don't actually mean a squeeze that takes the share price to literal infinity.

1000 would be nice...tomorrow is supposed to be the day
1000 would be nice...tomorrow is supposed to be the day
Shit. And I just found out my biggest degenerate friend is up bigly on this one. This was earlier in the day:


He's not selling a single share and is convinced it's going to $1000. Reminds me of the folks who were convinced Trump would be president and the inauguration was never going to happen, but maybe these guys are right. In any event get your popcorn ready.
the stock is so unhinged that anything is possible....it's simply machines going to war at this point...with a heavy dose of Prisoner's Dilemma thrown in.

I miss the days when Elisabeth Warren was scaring all the Richie Riches.
Shit. And I just found out my biggest degenerate friend is up bigly on this one. This was earlier in the day:

View attachment 8177

He's not selling a single share and is convinced it's going to $1000. Reminds me of the folks who were convinced Trump would be president and the inauguration was never going to happen, but maybe these guys are right. In any event get your popcorn ready.
maybe this time the coup works