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Hey Nerds: Blockchain

DeepFuckingValue is now the establishment. He might be the other Winklevoss for all we know.
lol, it isn't a big position by any means but hey uh Yolo?
Know a couple folks who played GME today. Both made it out ahead. And then there's the degenerate I know who is up a pretty fucking penny. Dude knows nothing about stocks or trading. Just decided to yolo. I say it all the time: Being crazy pays.
Know a couple folks who played GME today. Both made it out ahead. And then there's the degenerate I know who is up a pretty fucking penny. Dude knows nothing about stocks or trading. Just decided to yolo. I say it all the time: Being crazy pays.

If you trade for a 'living' or "cash hoarding opps", a stock like GME can suck all your emotional capital.

I'd rather pump out my daily allowance with business as usual stuff.
If you trade for a 'living' or "cash hoarding opps", a stock like GME can suck all your emotional capital.

I'd rather pump out my daily allowance with business as usual stuff.
Thing is you can spend a couple years crushing it and lose everything and more in five minutes on a play like this. If I was broke I'd probably be more inclined to say fuck it, why not. Which is the opposite of what I should do, but I get the appeal.
But Iets make it clear that the guy that played it is legitimately mentally unstable. You have to be somewhat off to not sell penny yet after being up that much.