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Jeff Sessions is really putting the boots to my TFSA right now.
Jeff Sessions is really putting the boots to my TFSA right now.
Ya I actually loaded up a bit on the dump, but not as early as I would have liked to due to some technical difficulties - missed the bottom, but still, looking good.
Ya I actually loaded up a bit on the dump, but not as early as I would have liked to due to some technical difficulties - missed the bottom, but still, looking good.
I was stuck in a dentist chair, so couldn't exploit the Session dip. Oh well, 2018 is only 3 trading days old and my accounts are already up 15%. That's a good year for most.
I woke up to a pile of text messages and took a look at share prices, nearly shit myself and then did a little reset. Prices were at this level 3 weeks ago and I felt pretty good about myself. In the end this is just going to be discount shopping for people in a cash position. Anyone who bought into the storm of panic selling is already up 10-15% on the day or more. Like you said, that's a solid year for most people.
Congress will have to pass a law that allows States to do what they want regarding cannabis without federal interference. Good luck getting that done with the GOP though.
How much do you all have in weed stocks?
I just dipped into HMMJ.
Looking to put about 5% of my entire investments into it as my "fun money" portion. Kind of shitting bricks at the volatility of it - I have an aggressive portfolio as is but this shit is next level scary. Need to get my head straight before I dip more in. I'm just concerned that I'm late to the party here and this will blow up in my face.
Yeah I feel like the volatility of the US market in particular would be way too volatile for my stomach. I was up about about 16% last year with my regular index funds in a fairly healthily sized portfolio. I'm going quite aggressive with it with 8% bonds so I'm willing to risk 40% in a down year. Having an entire portfolio of weed stocks though would be bad for my health I think. I'd like to limit it to my "fun money" at 5-8% of my portfolio at most. That volatility/risk game is not for everyone.
Agreed. I made the conscious decision to live with the volatility. I basically had 2 choices, work until I was 60 like everyone else or take a shot. I'm taking a shot and it's paying off at the moment (currently up ~600% in the last 8 months)
Holy shit that's amazing.
Yeah I'm pretty well on track to retire in my 50's if I keep up bare minimum contributions to my TFSA every year so I feel like I'd be risking too much. But then there's another gambling side of me that is like... You can retire in your 30s if you hit big ya dummy. But no.. my quality of life when gambling a shit ton suffers tremendously so it's not really worth it.
I have to admit though, stories like yours is what got me into the weed index fund game in the first place. I'm not going to get rich from it, but who knows, it may very well double in value like it did in December once legalization kicks in, and I'll be laughing. I'd imagine volatility would decrease afterwards and I can just hang on for the ride. if my decision to get into the game allows me to retire 1-3 years early then hey it's worth it. It may very well do the opposite but that's a risk worth taking for me.