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Hockey Media & Business Thread

What is your argument? That Westhead doesn't write "feel good" stories? You don't even need to be a real journalist to do that. The media relations departments of every pro and amateur sports organization is full of idiots who can do that. What Westhead is doing is actual, real journalism and reportage.

I just fail to understand why, if you love the game of hockey and Hockey Canada so much, do you prefer that stuff like this before swept under the rug rather than have it exposed and expunged so that these organizations remain the kind in which we can all take pride.

That could have been your son getting a broomstick up his ass. Would you be so cavalier about it then? I'm just struggling to understand why you're so opposed to wrongdoing being exposed and punished.
You have no counterargument. You support cover ups because to expose them is "being negative".
It won't matter what is written, you want constant negativity, you live off it. Westhead is not fair and balanced. If he were, he would "investigate" the legal basis for Bowman's refusal, speak to experts etc and set them out. He didn't. He rage farmed people like you (and seems to have succeeded)
It won't matter what is written, you want constant negativity, you live off it. Westhead is not fair and balanced. If he were, he would "investigate" the legal basis for Bowman's refusal, speak to experts etc and set them out. He didn't. He rage farmed people like you (and seems to have succeeded)
The legal.basis for Bowman's evasion of the subpoena doesn't require investigation or explanation. He has the right to remain silent but that silence can speak very loudly. Westhead doesn't need to read anything into it. It's obvious. Bowman was complicit because of course he was. Everyone in the Blackhawks front office knew or ought to have known and they all conspired to keep it hidden. They are all guilty, to one degree or another, and they all need to hang.

Bowman is exercising his right to remain silent because he has a high paying job in a very small.and select organization known as the NHL. Coming clean comes with the risk that he might not only lose the job he currently has, but that he may never be able to work in hockey ever again.

In view of that, how else can we expect to have this wrongdoing exposed if not for people like Westhead? The concierge media who are only concerned with maintaining their access to the free food in the media lounge aren't going to do it. You need REAL journalists for that.
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And by the way, no one needs to "rage farm" for me to get angry at gang rape and cover up's of gang rape. Is having a game to watch on a Saturday night so important to you that you're happy to never know about the fact that such things happened? You want to wallow in a pit of willful ignorance, go ahead. But don't shit on the rest of us who actually want to know whats going on and who want the evil doers punished rather than rewarded.
He also screwed the soccer team in Paris. While FIFA was investigating he was writing stories about how long it was going on etc. He should have shut his piehole until after the decision. He basically ensured the team got screwed.
He also screwed the soccer team in Paris. While FIFA was investigating he was writing stories about how long it was going on etc. He should have shut his piehole until after the decision. He basically ensured the team got screwed.
The team screwed themselves. He just reported it. You seem to think that he has some duty to look the other way on things just because both he and the perpetrators of the misdeedz happen to be Canadian. You expect him to only report about the bad things people i other countries are doing and to provide cover when it's the home team.

"He screwed us"??? That is beyond juvenile.

If you want Westhead to stop reporting about members of Team Canada engaging in gang rape, tell Hockey Canada to make their players stop gang raping. Don't tell Westhead not to report it.
You just wanted him to say nothing in hopes that the soccer team would get away clean. The fact they were guilty didn't bother you because the home team can do no wrong.
His agenda for that story was so obvious. He piled on and once we were knocked out, he shut up. He never reported the other side that it is a common practice nor that the penalty was unprecedented. He dug only to make us look bad and advocated banishment. You only liked it because it was a trifecta of stroke material for you, a) shit on Olympics. b) shit on soccer and c) shit on women's sports
The fact that it was common practice (if indeed it was and you're not just taking copium) was still against the rules. They got caught, and they were rightfully punished. Westhead reported what happened. He didn't make anything happen and he certainly didn't counsel the team to cheat.

I know you don't care about rules which you find inconvenient to follow but they exist and punishment for breaking them is also a thing. Westhead did nothing wrong. The soccer team did. Your anger is misplaced.

As for me it was more than a trifecta.
- the Olympics got shit on
- soccer got shit on
- women's sports got shit on
- wrongdoers were punished.

I love when sports cheats and charlatans get punished, whether it's Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Hockey Canada, or the women's Olympic soccer team.