I suspect his perceived value is way less than his actual. So trade Knies for a king's ransom and then Holmberg slides into his spot.Nice little trade chip here. If not add him to the pile of potential cheap middle sixers for next year.
Could be yeah, mostly due to his age. This guy screams bland vanilla, solid at everything and elite at nothing middle sixer IF ALL GOES WELL. 37 points in 42 games sure looks sexy though. And the fact that he's a finished product at this age has to attract some teams too.I suspect his perceived value is way less than his actual. So trade Knies for a king's ransom and then Holmberg slides into his spot.
He comes from the bland Swede school of Hallander, Rickard Wallin and Par Lindholm. From what I've seen of him he relies on his smarts in Sweden and not as much natural skill, not unlike the others.Thought his skating looked a little weak at the Olympics. But I also only watched like 5 mins of Olympic hockey.
Not sure I'd call Bunting bland, of all things.
he's also more likely to be 60+ point guy
that's on pace for nearly 70On pace for 66 points. Which might more than 60, I'll have to ask Zeke.
that's on pace for nearly 70
Fuck u. Antropov 4 president, king, captain and GM when dubas doesn’t get a goalie and gets firedBunting > Antropov