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Les Habitants Prospects Thread

HabsTwitter is hilarious to read.

A whole bunch of people who read articles comparing Mailloux to Brent Burns or him being the next Shea Weber are now watching him for the first time.

Boy are there some disappointed people.
I'm assuming WeHave meant Simon Boisvert, but he's not a fan of Mailloux. Doesn't believe in there being upside for Mailloux, thinks his ceiling is a 6/7 in the NHL.

I don't agree, but Mailloux's a very raw player who has missed a lot of hockey in the last 36 months. He needs to play.
There isn’t enough data on Mailloux. Maybe he’ll make it, maybe he won’t. But it seems to hard to tell right now.

He needs to play. A lot. In Laval.