Agreed. All he's really doing is being a human and showing concern/empathy for the people he represents, which seems like a rather low bar but the contrast is really startling.
Agreed. All he's really doing is being a human and showing concern/empathy for the people he represents, which seems like a rather low bar but the contrast is really startling.
He's staying in his lane. He's a friendly face and is content deferring to his staff of medical experts.
At first I thought so and stocked up but I'm guessing the health ramifications for those in withdrawal would be pretty bad so I'm guessing no.
I rarely drink at home so this is the most booze I've ever had in my house.
I get that I was just wondering if they would cut out the hard liquor and moves sales to grocery stores. Hope not as well but it sounds like they are going to announce a lot more closures tomorrow so we will see.
So is LCBO going to close?
Asking for a friend.
I feel like everything should be converting to a 100 percent delivery model. Put all resources in that.
aka "leadership"
Some people misconstrue leadership as a requirement to be the centre of attention and tell everyone what to do at all times.
I feel like everything should be converting to a 100 percent delivery model. Put all resources in that.
Doug Ford says Ontario is making N96 masks which will be better than N95
So Trump doesn't want 3M selling any more N95 particular respirator masks to Canada? So what? We're getting an even cooler mask, according to Ontario…
"We've also had a good conversation with the folks over at Woodbridge and they're producing something better than an N95 — it's called an N96 and it's going through the approval stage."
Ford stated that his government and Health Canada are both expediting this product through approvals with the appropriate agencies, and that once everything is up and running, "we're going to be pumping these out by the millions."
The Woodbridge Group is a Mississauga-based "global systems solution provider" that, previous to the COVID-19 outbreak, specialized in automotive supplies but has now shifted production to Personal Protective Equipment in collaboration with the province.
Premier Ford is confident in Ontario's talent pool and its ability to start pumping out these new masks, whatever they're like, within weeks.
"The technology and engineering skills that we have, the engineering might that this province has… I'll put it up against anyone anywhere in the world," he said on Friday.
"We'll never be in this position [again], no matter if its ventilators or N95s or gowns, face shields… over the next week or so, once we get all these approvals, we're ramping up."
Yeah when says shit like that my trump detector goes off. Really glad he's a clear cut above trump but that whole thing sounds like a load of shit to me.Ford’s been impressing me lately, but he’s still a guy with a long history of being a professional bullshitter, and this “we’re going to produce millions of masks that are even better than the N95” stuff is setting off my BS detector.
I’d very much prefer to be wrong, though.