Because he was a western christian evangelical to appease the AB nutters, and came up politically in that arena so despite not technically being an Albertan, he was one of theirs. While at the same time he looked and sounded like the corporate caretaker conservative that Ontario is fond of (when they're ever really fond of a conservative), had the "right" education, economic views, etc. Stevie understood completely the problem that I'm referring too. He went to significant effort to keep the loony Alberta conservatives in line while carefully avoiding his personal nuttiness to get any public traction (and scaring Ontario conservatives). This balancing act is possible only when the conservatives hold power. Both sides will hold their nose if it means having both hands on the wheel. Take power away though and the infighting starts to heat up immediately. The western conservatives got their religious weirdo candidate, then Ontario got their corporate lawyer candidate...and both flopped spectacularly. Now they're going to scream at each other and point fingers while a western protest movement builds underneath it all again (PPC).