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New Canadian Politics Thread

Hockey and Canadian politics are the same.

I don’t like flipping it back to the blue, but have to follow the analytics and read where there is an opening if you want to beat the opposition. JT is getting old. But lots of room on the PP. Give 110%
I keep seeing people refer to his appeal with people....yall realize he has like a 2-3% favourability edge over scheer and otoole when they all took the job respectively and is 5% behind the historically unpopular Trudeau in favourability according to polling from earlier this week, right?

I know net rating isn't as valuable in Canada as it is in the US but starting the game with a -17 net rating is probably not good. Scheer and otoole had the benefit of no one knowing who they were, they just failed at creating a strong impression. PP has created an impression and its not a good one. His main claim at the moment is the CPC voters are behind him and he brought 60% of the PPC with him. Thats the real difference between him and the last few guys in the likely voters polls. PP is bringing 5 points worth of nutters with him.

For now
Even then he had to resort to dirty tricks to eliminate Brown as a challenger in the leadership race.
Harper also presented as smarmy, contemptuous, and unrelateable. That did not stop him. PP has time to be image-adjusted into a more likeable or at least tolerable guy, and he does have a genuine Everyman appeal to a lot of people. I don’t personally get it, but I won’t deny it exists either.

Also as I mentioned before, PP’s constituents in the Ottawa suburbs genuinely love him. They’re a reasonable proxy for the average centrist voter in a lot of the ridings PP needs to win, IMO.
The only people in the Ottawa region who support the Cons are unilingual anglophones who are resentful about the fact that their lack of French language skills prevents them from getting any really good civil service jobs, or prevents them from further advancement if they already have one. The Cons are the grievances party. The whining "I'd like to speak to your manager" Karen party.
If the Liberals can exploit his far right leanings, there will be another leadership convention after the next election.

The cycnic in me thinks that the wife threat, was a sham to erase PP's right wing connection and move him to the center.
If the shoe was on the other foot and it was Sophie Gregoire Trudeau who had received these threats, the "Canada Proud" types would be lighting up social media with false flag accusations. But as we have learned, with conservatives, every accusation is a confession. They are all about the projection. So yeah, my first thought when I saw a statement about the offensive remarks that an actual human being with a shred of decency might say attributed to Poilievre, I knew it must be bullshit.
I still think this ignores the issue with considering the problem to be solved just because of PP. This isn't a base that wanted CPC politics as usual. They wanted and got a more extreme brand of right wing politics, and if they're not getting fed by the CPC, they'll bolt again. If Bernier isn't their guy, a new guy will show up. I've lived and worked with these guys man, they're simply not conservatives the way that we're used to in eastern canada. They're cold texans with single payer health care. There was a presser from the Alberta government yesterday to rile up voters about liberal gun ownership laws ffs. We're talking about the hardest right wing edge of that presser's target audience here.

This is not a demo that is going to be placated with table scraps man. This is just a bad read on who they are and what they want. But they are at the moment (according to recent polling) the only difference between PP and Scheer/Otoole in appeal to voters. It took Scheer a full campaign to arrive at his 55% disapproval rating and O'toole barely cracked 40% disapproval with likely voters. PP is starting the game at 52-53% disapproval.
As someone who now lives in Albertastan, I can confirm. This is not the old Progressive Conservative Party of Bob Stanfield, Joe Clark or Brian Mulroney, it is the Reform Party, the Western grievance party. As soon as the rednecks took over, the party was essentially doomed because a majority of Canadians (the ones who live in Ontario and Quebec where the votes are) will never warm to a party that far on the right. And thanks to the polarization created by social media, the kooks on the far right will never warm to a party that tries to move one iota to the left for any reason. They are cursed now. They either double down on their Western alienation trope and fade into insignificance, or move toward the center and alienate the hard core fascists who will splinter and draw votes away from them. Their only hope is that, in a Parliament with 4 or 5 parties winning seats (and potentially a 6th if the PPC ever wins a riding) that they can maybe squeak into power for one term. But since they have no ideological allies in Parliament save for maybe the Bloc on one or two issues, they would never retain power for very long without a clear majority. But they're never getting that. Not today or any day.

That party either cleans house, purges the hillbillies and rednecks from its leadership and becomes the Progressive Conservatives again, or it's going to be out of power about 80% of the time. Canada is not the US. We are more left leaning, more socialist. The kind of scare tactics that US conservatives use to great effect down south just provoke laughs up here. In Canada, "socialism" isn't a dirty word (outside of Alberta, of course)
That pretty much sums it up nicely.

The main funtion of the PPC party is to siphon votes from the CPC party and hand seats in Edmonton and Calgary to the leftish 3rd place party
As someone who now lives in Albertastan, I can confirm. This is not the old Progressive Conservative Party of Bob Stanfield, Joe Clark or Brian Mulroney, it is the Reform Party, the Western grievance party. As soon as the rednecks took over, the party was essentially doomed because a majority of Canadians (the ones who live in Ontario and Quebec where the votes are) will never warm to a party that far on the right. And thanks to the polarization created by social media, the kooks on the far right will never warm to a party that tries to move one iota to the left for any reason. They are cursed now. They either double down on their Western alienation trope and fade into insignificance, or move toward the center and alienate the hard core fascists who will splinter and draw votes away from them. Their only hope is that, in a Parliament with 4 or 5 parties winning seats (and potentially a 6th if the PPC ever wins a riding) that they can maybe squeak into power for one term. But since they have no ideological allies in Parliament save for maybe the Bloc on one or two issues, they would never retain power for very long without a clear majority. But they're never getting that. Not today or any day.

That party either cleans house, purges the hillbillies and rednecks from its leadership and becomes the Progressive Conservatives again, or it's going to be out of power about 80% of the time. Canada is not the US. We are more left leaning, more socialist. The kind of scare tactics that US conservatives use to great effect down south just provoke laughs up here. In Canada, "socialism" isn't a dirty word (outside of Alberta, of course)
The province where the small C conservative party wasn't conservative enough for the people there so they created the Wildrose Party.
The tension/split on Canada’s right has always existed. Read Dalton Camp’s biography. He orchestrated the shiv of Diefenbaker and installed Longjohn Stanfield.
No. Save it for later. Closer to election time.

This kind of revelation won't be loney by then.
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