Wayward DP
Well-known member
Doug Ford's reign as Premier in Ontario is proceeding about how you'd expect.
- Is caught on tape during the campaign promising developers to open the Greenbelt up for development. In the face of a public outcry, he then reverses course and promises they'll protect it. And then when in government, he's now set to pass a law that'd gut the environmental protections that are stopping development. It's also come out that the biggest donor to the pro-Ford advocacy group "Ontario Proud" (who advertised a shit-ton leading up to and during the election) is Mattamy Homes. Hmmm....
- Without consulting with the city or any public announcement, the Ontario government has also sold a prime piece of Toronto's waterfront to a Ford family friend for a cut-rate price.
- Almost immediately after taking office, he orchestrated the firing of Hydro One's CEO & board of directors, ostensibly because the CEO was making $6M a year, and Ford was looking to "save the taxpayers money". That move led to Washington State citing Ford's "political interference" in the company's affairs when cancelling a Hydro One deal to take over an energy company named Avista. As a result, Ontario taxpayers will be on the hook for around $185M in "break fees" for the cancellation of the deal.
- With the Ontario Provincial Police in need of a new commissioner, Ford decided he'd step into the process to have another close Ford family friend, Ron Taverner, appointed to the position. The only problem? Taverner was grossly underqualified for the job based on his rank, which was two levels below the minimum requirement. The solution? Ford had the qualifications for the job lowered to the point where Taverner would be eligible for the position. The OPP's interim commissioner has now asked the Province's ombudsman to investigate "questions of political interference" in Taverner's appointment.
- My favourite ridiculous Ford news so far though, came out yesterday:
and if I'm being honest, Ford has probably exceeded my expectations thus far! guess I set the bar too low...