Well-known member
she was elected as a protest vote and splitting the right vote
Maybe, but if her policies lead to pipelines and pipelines lead to less people out of work I think she wins re-election.
she was elected as a protest vote and splitting the right vote
Yeah, Altair doesn't seem to grasp that her election was a freak, one-off side-effect of the first-past-the-post system.she was elected as a protest vote and splitting the right vote
Yeah, Altair doesn't seem to grasp that her election was a freak, one-off side-effect of the first-past-the-post system.
You take a governing PC party that's bogged down with the internal rot and accumulation of public bad will and scandals that come along with decades of being in power, split the right wing vote with a hard-right Wildrose splinter party that's too extreme and has too many "bozo eruptions" to entirely supplant the PC's as the party of all right wingers, and then you get the NDP sailing up the middle into a large majority, in spite of having 40.57% of the popular vote, as opposed to a combined 52.03% of the vote for the Wildrose and PC's.
There's probably some voter apathy you can throw into the equation too. Plenty of right-wing Albertans probably stayed home, both because of disillusionment with the choices available to them, and because they never imagined that the most conservative province in Canada would ever, even by accident, elect a left-wing government.
Hypothetically who gets credit for lines that are announced a year or two from now that were in the early stages prior to the election?
Yes.So you think that if Notley was able to get two or three pipelines build, unemployment was low and the economy was running hot albertans simply say thank you and elect Kenney anyways?
I really doubt that.
So Phillipino President Duterte threatens Trudeau with war if he doesn’t take his garbage back? Too funny.
Just checked poll tracker and yikes.
CPC 36.6 percent poll average.
LPC 30.8
NDP 15.1
Greens 8.7
Bloc 5.0( I thought they were dead)
PPC 2.7
Holy are the liberals ever going to get smashed this fall.
PM Scheer. Gross.
So Phillipino President Duterte threatens Trudeau with war if he doesn’t take his garbage back? Too funny.
Too soon for me to see what impact a Ford government will have on my family but I do know that the Wynn governments impact had/has and it certainly was not sunshine and lollipops.
Federally I’m conflicted. I really don’t know what Sheer’s platform will be. I know what the Liberals say much of it it will be but experience suggests that they are not always accurate.
Regardless of who the people choose, or in the case of living with a Ford government, we like most people will do their best to adapt to any changes. That is and has been my experience over the course of many, many government changes that I survived.
Canadians don't care about SNC
Checks poll tracker.
CPC 36.9
LPC 29.6
NDP 15. 7
Greens 9.2
BQ 5.0
PPC 2.2
40 percent probability that Scheer wins a majority.