Hoping our independent incumbent wins.
She worked for the previous blue MPP in our area until his retirement (Our area is a blue stronghold. Literally drop anyone blue in here and they cruise to a victory. See Lewis, Leslyn- yuck). Doug Ford thought he had a better candidate last time, so didn't consider her and ran with his guy instead. She ran as an independent and won.
One of the first things DoFo said to her when she got in was 'you'll be out of a job come next election.'
Well, he has another handpicked candidate for the current election, our current mayor. While she hasn't done a bad job per se (continuing to uncover a lot of the deals the old boys made and the poor state of our counties finances), as mayor, jumping at being a crony for Ford rubs the wrong way. I hope our independent candidate wins through again and sends a message to both of them.