Some call me Tim
So, to conclude, the more people that you ask, the more people are voting Liberal.
So, to conclude, the more people that you ask, the more people are voting Liberal.
So, to conclude, the more people that you ask, the more people are voting Liberal.
am I correct that it seems like both the Libs and Cons are gonna earn a higher share of the popular vote than in previous elections, if we believe the polls?
Justin (and Carney) should buy Jag more rolexesYeah, when you look at it in conjunction with the stuff Zeke posted about voter certainty, it looks like he won back all of the Liberal voters and pulled maybe kinda strategic NDP voters to him earlier than strategic voters usually shift (well played Jagmeet, well played indeed).
It's Carney's job to keep them there of course, but Pierre is a deeply unlikeable twat who the majority of Canadians want no part of as their leader imo. Carney has to manage to not shit himself, and I think he's capable of that.
for all the ink spilled about the Liberal comeback, actually seems to me more like an NDP bloodletting...
Having the PPC split votes will be the icing on the cake.It's both tbh.
The good news is that losing this election might crack the right in half.
the fuck's in the water in Alta