Wayward Ditch Pig
look at that smile.
"Why yes, I do have the candy that I mention on the side of the van"
look at that smile.
Yeah, that is exactly where I am on this. Gonna have a fight with Mrs Wayward about it.The Feds are just about the last people who should be taking shit for this.
The response to the occupation by the convoy was a series of cascading abdications of responsibility (and often tacit support) from the Ottawa police, to the municipal government to the provincial government before the Feds finally had to step in and sort shit out.
Yeah, that is exactly where I am on this. Gonna have a fight with Mrs Wayward about it.
oh I have no problem with the inquiry.I understand the need to have an inquiry to make sure the government isn't abusing things. But It's kind of crazy that the hearings will probably last longer than the entire trucker convoy itself did. And I bet after it's all done and the government is fully cleared, they'll announce that it cost however many million of dollars to do the hearings, and I bet people are going to try to blame the government for that as well.
I understand the need to have an inquiry to make sure the government isn't abusing things. But It's kind of crazy that the hearings will probably last longer than the entire trucker convoy itself did. And I bet after it's all done and the government is fully cleared, they'll announce that it cost however many million of dollars to do the hearings, and I bet people are going to try to blame the government for that as well.
It could have been managed without the act but it wouldn't have been because provincial leaders were more than happy to let it fall on Trudeau and a significant number of cops were sympathetic to the cause.
That could be true but I’m more inclined to think that since most of the targets of the protesters were under federal authority and yes Trudeau was one of the main targets of the protest so it became a federal policing and civil service problem to solve by coordinating with their provincial and local counterparts and police.It could have been managed without the act but it wouldn't have been because provincial leaders were more than happy to let it fall on Trudeau and a significant number of cops were sympathetic to the cause.
That could be true but I’m more inclined to think that since most of the targets of the protesters were under federal authority and yes Trudeau was one of the main targets of the protest so it became a federal policing and civil service problem to solve by coordinating with their provincial and local counterparts and police.
A pipe dream I know but without an emergency or some kind of special act, politicians should not be telling the police what to do. The police and their hierarchy should be able to get the job done. They couldn’t so yes Trudeau had to step in and accept the flack that comes with it. I think he realizes that and is willing to accept the flack that comes with the job.
not could be. is true. you are mixing up who has jurisdiction over what in your assumptions.That could be true but I’m more inclined to think that since most of the targets of the protesters were under federal authority and yes Trudeau was one of the main targets of the protest so it became a federal policing and civil service problem to solve by coordinating with their provincial and local counterparts and police.
A pipe dream I know but without an emergency or some kind of special act, politicians should not be telling the police what to do. The police and their hierarchy should be able to get the job done. They couldn’t so yes Trudeau had to step in and accept the flack that comes with it. I think he realizes that and is willing to accept the flack that comes with the job.
At least she is revealing who she is....it's time for Albertans to reveal who they are.
I just got an email from my parents...seems they moved to somewhere in Southern Alberta.
I figure he wasn't able to move to Florida so they did they nest best thing and moved to a right-wing-nut territory.
Good riddance.
Elgin street, Rideau, Kent St, Wellington are not under federal authority. If they’d set up on parliament hill (behind the fence) or on NCC land, then maybe this would make sense. But they set up on streets under city of Ottawa police jurisdiction. The police even helped the protesters set up a base camp in the baseball field parking lot (also city owned.) Doesn’t really matter if they are protesting federal policy or Santa Claus, if they are blocking city infrastructure it is a city police problem. But they did almost nothing until Trudeau stepped in.That could be true but I’m more inclined to think that since most of the targets of the protesters were under federal authority and yes Trudeau was one of the main targets of the protest so it became a federal policing and civil service problem to solve by coordinating with their provincial and local counterparts and police.
A pipe dream I know but without an emergency or some kind of special act, politicians should not be telling the police what to do. The police and their hierarchy should be able to get the job done. They couldn’t so yes Trudeau had to step in and accept the flack that comes with it. I think he realizes that and is willing to accept the flack that comes with the job.
That could be true but I’m more inclined to think that since most of the targets of the protesters were under federal authority and yes Trudeau was one of the main targets of the protest so it became a federal policing and civil service problem to solve by coordinating with their provincial and local counterparts and police.
A pipe dream I know but without an emergency or some kind of special act, politicians should not be telling the police what to do. The police and their hierarchy should be able to get the job done. They couldn’t so yes Trudeau had to step in and accept the flack that comes with it. I think he realizes that and is willing to accept the flack that comes with the job.
the inquiry is very good and very necessary.
this is the precedent we want, no matter what the reason for invoking the act,