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New Talent for Hockey Night in Canada.

I will say that I am so glad that Nick Kypreos does not show up much anymore. That guy was a fucking bag of shit without a bag

Sportsnet actually hired him back, unfortunately. He co-hosts a daily show on Toronto sports radio. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see him back on their TV broadcasts this season.

All the more reason to continue muting intermissions.
That radio show of his is so bad. And Bourne NEVER challenges his idiotic opinions, Non-stop kypper rim-jobs.
Kypreos is one of the better ones for me. Monumental, historic stupidity but there's a certain charm in his delivery. He has some Skip Bayless to him. He's more entertaining than the rest of the boring generic white dudes like Dave Poulin and shit.

But yeah if you actually watch these things to get actual insight he's a catastrophe.
Kypreos is one of the better ones for me. Monumental, historic stupidity but there's a certain charm in his delivery. He has some Skip Bayless to him. He's more entertaining than the rest of the boring generic white dudes like Dave Poulin and shit.

But yeah if you actually watch these things to get actual insight he's a catastrophe.
Winged wheel was entertaining for a little while😂🤣😂🤣
Kypreos is one of the better ones for me. Monumental, historic stupidity but there's a certain charm in his delivery. He has some Skip Bayless to him. He's more entertaining than the rest of the boring generic white dudes like Dave Poulin and shit.

But yeah if you actually watch these things to get actual insight he's a catastrophe.
I agree with this, at least in the past (ie. several+ yrs ago) he was entertaining. Less so recently though, at a certain point the stupid outweighs the charm.
Yeah you couldn't pay me to listen to him for very long. But for me he's not in the Dave Poulin category of dry, bland and moronic. If you're gonna be moronic give me something else, and I have to say Kipper does give 'er a bit. He can stay. Most of the rest of them can go though.
Kipper need somebody every now and then to ask him do you actually have any idea how incredibly stupid you sound? If we could have that kind of person on air with him it would be perfect.
Steve Dangle's hairline is too strong for him to secretly be Zeke.

Also, unsexy thumbs on Dangle.
Dave Poulin is shit but still better than Galley or Millen. The most amazing thing about it (for me anyway) is how almost none of these guys ever show any improvement in a job that can have a steep learning curve, so I point my fingers at the show producers who are happy with crap.

In the end, there is no accountability because they figure fans will watch regardless. Sharp contrast to what’s happening down south with NFL as networks try to lure the best on-air talent from each other.

No doubt that US research is telling those networks that on air talent matters to their bottom line…. while up here, they’re like “Poulin gets no complaints on Twitter so we should give him more games”
No one will ever be more boring or drier than Dave Reid. I'm at a loss to figure out what TV producers ever saw in that guy. All the personality of a bowl of cold oatmeal.
Yeah you couldn't pay me to listen to him for very long. But for me he's not in the Dave Poulin category of dry, bland and moronic. If you're gonna be moronic give me something else, and I have to say Kipper does give 'er a bit. He can stay. Most of the rest of them can go though.
He's the worst of all of them. Be dumb and funny. Don't be useless and boring. Where did they find that guy? I always forget his name as soon as the next game, and I'm always like who was that fucking guy again? Says it all.
Ummm… they found him in your front office. Poulin was the Leafs’ Vice-President of Hockey Operations before making his move to show biz
Working in some capacity for the Leafs has traditionally been the fast track into broadcasting.
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