unless its OT, then he magically transforms into a number 1 center apparentlyThe problem here is Kampf is playing 3C whereas he should be no where higher than 4C. Keefe needs to let either Domi, Jarnkrok, or Willy take 3C and call up Robertson to take over the open winger spot.
Until that happens we are likely to get caved in with the bottom 6.
not really embarassed about anything other than their level of play tbh.
embarassed for Wes McCauley tho.
I've never got this being embarrassed by something somebody else did. I'm not the least bit embarrassed by the Leafs or anyone else's bullshit. Pissed off is a better description.
The only things that embarrass me is the stupid shit I've done, am doing, or will do in the future.
go fuck yourself
I seriously doubt that.According to Pagé, an offer for Lindros from the Maple Leafs included Doug Gilmour, Wendel Clark, Félix Potvin, Dave Ellett, Ken Baumgartner, Darby Hendrickson, and $15 million — only Toronto’s best player, team captain, No. 1 goaltender, top defencemen, and extras. In return, Pagé says, the Leafs would have received Lindros, the fourth overall pick in the 1992 draft, goaltenders John Tanner and Stéphane Fiset, and winger Andrei Kovalenko.
Pagé tells MacLean that the potential deal was scuttled after Cliff Fletcher, the Maple Leafs GM at the time, got cold feet.
Here’s the Eric Lindros trade the Maple Leafs never made with the Nordiques — Toronto Star
The package, as recounted in a new book, included Gilmour, Clark, Potvin and much more. Not true, former GM Fletcher says.apple.news