Dividing the standings into 8-team quarters.
Vs Top 8: 19gms, 91pt pace, -0.11gdiff, 3gms remaining
Vs 2nd 8: 12gms, 116pt pace, +.92gdiff, 6gms remaining
Vs 3rd 8: 15gms, 120pt pace, +.93gdiff, 5gms remaining
Vs Bot 8: 20gms, 103pt pace, +.35gdiff, 2gms remaining
In the end it's still our play against the bottom teams that stopped us from being elite this year.
Based on our play against the other quartiles, a 130pt+ pace against the bottom 8 should have been a reasonable expectation, which would have meant an extra 7pts minimum at the moment, which would have us with the #1 pts% in hockey.