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OT: American Politics

A prosecutor has a duty to ensure that every prosecution is carried out in a manner consistent with the public interest.

Going after a guy committing fraud for the purposes of influencing a presidential election is in the public interest.
Going after a gun shop committing fraud to sell guns to people who shouldn't have em is in the public interest.
Satisfying your rabid nepo baby fixation because the nepo baby addict lied, not really so much.

meh. wealthy drug addict nepo baby committed tons of crimes and deserves to be punished and it is in the public interest that nepo babies get punished just the same as everyone else.

"In the 2019 fiscal year, when Hunter Biden purchased his gun, federal prosecutors received 478 referrals for lying on Form 4473 — and filed just 298 cases. The numbers were roughly similar for fiscal 2020. At issue is when Biden answered “no” on the question that asks about unlawful drug use and addiction when purchasing a gun. Biden had been discharged five years earlier from the Navy Reserve for drug use and based on his 2021 memoir, he was actively using crack cocaine in the year he bought the gun. The data do not show how many people might have been prosecuted for falsely answering the question about active drug use. A 1990 Justice Department study noted how difficult it was to bring cases against people who falsely answer questions on the form, especially because there is no paper trail for drug abusers like there is for felons. "

So hundreds of prosecutions a year. Not including those who were charged but pled down.

Interesting is that last sentence there about there not usually being a paper trail - in this case there was a pretty good paper trail.
one juror says she thinks this was a waste of tax payer money (lol)

jurors who are speaking seem to all be saying they feel badly for the biden family.

yeahhhh, this was a bad play.

and conservatives know it. they're trying their best to turn this convicted into a diabolical liberal plot but it's hard to do that when you called his non-prosecution a diabolical liberal plot first.
Three jurors who spoke to CNN after they reached a guilty verdict said that they believed they had no choice but to find Hunter Biden guilty — but said that they question whether the criminal case ever should have been brought against the president’s son.

The case “seemed like a waste of taxpayer dollars,” one female juror told CNN.
Three jurors who spoke to CNN after they reached a guilty verdict said that they believed they had no choice but to find Hunter Biden guilty — but said that they question whether the criminal case ever should have been brought against the president’s son.

The case “seemed like a waste of taxpayer dollars,” one female juror told CNN.

298 cases out of 16m gun sales a year?

Yeah, so... not very common.

Wonder how many of those people actually had more charges based on what they did with the gun ie) used it unlawfully as well. Guessing almost all of them.
and conservatives know it. they're trying their best to turn this convicted into a diabolical liberal plot but it's hard to do that when you called his non-prosecution a diabolical liberal plot first.


Bildeberg and Hildog Clinton got Biden coked up and coerced him to lie on his gun application in 2108 coz the Lizard People were already fixin’ to rig a boGuS conviction against dEAr leAdEr to take him out in 2024 and so that the antichr*st would destroy Murica, and take away your AR-15 ‘n’ FORCE KIDS OF GODFEARIN’ KRISTIAN HOMES TO MARRY HISPANIC LBGTQ+ ABORTIONISTS…


Yes, I'm sure they'd love to have Joe replaced so they can stir up a whole new batch of bullshit against the newbie after all their Joe shit has fizzled out.